
Microsoft CEO: AI can change the trajectory of healthcare if properly used

Satya Nadella touched on the potential of artificial intelligence in the NHS during his keynote address at Microsoft Future Decoded.
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Digital Health and BCS partner on Rewired

The pair are extending an existing collaboration to include Digital Health Rewired, a two-day conference and one-day exhibition taking place
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GDE hyperbole risks hobbling NHS IT plans

It's two years since the GDE programme was launched. But Jon Hoeksma argues its overblown language conceals a relatively small
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Facebook breast cancer screening campaign proves successful

The local initiative, led by NHS Digital, resulted in a 13% increase in the number of women in Stoke-on-Trent attending
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Welsh social prescribing start-up joins AHSN accelerator

Signum Health’s i-navigator platform supports people in need of non-clinical care, such as weight loss, anxiety and depression and social
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Special Report: Mental Health

Physical and mental healthcare interact in complex and significant ways, and yet traditionally the NHS has treated the two as
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AI could ‘make a difference to healthcare’ but patient trust is key

Peter Durlach from Nuance Communications spoke at an event in London earlier this month about why we need gain trust
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Northwick Park pilots porter hailing app for A&E staff

Staff started using the Infinity Health e-portering mobile application on 29 October and if successful it could be rolled out
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Breast Cancer Care launches Alexa tool to help women spot key signs

Addie Mitchell from BCC has told Digital Health News she hopes the digital tool will help give women the confidence
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The app giving power to outpatients at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT

At Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT, a new app for outpatients is starting a journey of greater patient empowerment,
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