
New digital platform bolsters mental health data collection in Bradford

The new system allows data gathered by NHS-commissioned voluntary and community services in Bradford to flow into NHS Digital’s Mental
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Christie and Clatterbridge go with Intouch’s patient management flow

Two cancer treatment centres in the north west of England are introducing new patient flow management technology to help improve
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AI cancer detection programme to be given government funding boost

The Accelerating Detection of Disease programme has been named as part of the government's second Life Science Sector Deal.
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Delayed phase four EPS pilot to begin this year

Eight GP practices will trial the latest stage of NHS Digital’s electronic prescription service programme before the end of 2018.
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UK Health Data Research Alliance aims to improve patient care

The Alliance will look into the best ways to design, use, collect, manage and analyse health data in a responsible
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Paperless by 2020 – not just a pipedream for North East London NHS Trust

With the aim of streamlining clinical workflows and becoming paperless by 2020, North East London NHS Trust is well down
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NHS banned from buying new fax machines as Hancock orders phase-out

Matt Hancock has banned NHS organisations from buying new fax machines beyond January 2019, under plans to remove them from
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Uber to offer free cab rides to working NHS staff over Christmas

The offer is available to working staff at a time when public transport is either closed or limited on Christmas
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NUH and Macmillan pilot new ‘virtual clinic’ for tumour patients

Virtual Clinic was trialled as part of efforts to help improve care for patients with brain tumours across the East
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Genomics England says DNA data not moved due to hacking attempts

Responding to reports that genetics data belonging to some 85,000 individuals had been moved to a secure Ministry of Defence
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