
Job ad sheds light on new NHS Digital CICSO role

NHS Digital is on the lookout for a chief information and cyber security officer capable of leading the organisation's response
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The GDE knowledge-sharing challenge and the blueprinting process

The sharing of knowledge, via a process of ‘blueprinting’, was frequently emphasised as a pre-requisite to becoming a GDE. In
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12 councils selected by NHS Digital to run social care tech pilots

Twelve councils have been awarded £20,000 each by NHS Digital to explore how digital technologies can improve social care.
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Wirral University Teaching Hospital to feature in NHS 70 programme

The programme will highlight how the trust is using the digital Wirral Care Record, to overcome the health and social
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Q Doctor selects Docman Connect for GP correspondence delivery

The solution from Docman will streamline the service’s document transfer and ensure that Q Doctor can send consultation summaries to
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Cyber security news round-up

The latest Digital Health cyber security round-up includes news that Dixons Carphone has been hit by yet another cyber-attack, as
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Leeds and York Partnership NHS FT selects CareWorks for new EPR

The trust issued a tender for a new EPR in September 2017 and currently runs Civica’s Paris EPR, which was
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Doctor’s union chairman calls for GP at Hand to be “scrapped immediately”

Doctors in Unite (DiU) has accused the service of eroding the personal relationship between GP and patient, and of “hoovering
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Richard Corbridge: Let’s do the digital delivery dance

A strong relationship with a commercial partner is widely seen as a crucial ingredient for a successful project. According to
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NHS Digital incentivises firms to bridge info gap between health and social care

Local authorities, adult social care providers, researchers and academic institutions have been invited to apply for a share of £1.58m split
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