A social media-style platform for clinicians and healthcare professionals to discuss cases and medical images has launched a new group where they can post X-rays, MRI and CT scans.

MedShr, which has 850,000 members in more than 190 countries, developed Trauma Meeting to allow clinicians to discuss cases with colleagues around the globe.

The app enables doctors and surgeons to draw on the knowledge of their peers without having to leave the hospital they work in.

Dr Asif Qasim, founder and chief executive of MedShr, said: “Every morning in a hospital there will be a trauma meeting where the orthopaedic surgeons and sometimes emergency medicine doctors look at the patients that came in the day before with trauma.

“The trauma meeting is an integral part of case discussion and planning within orthopaedics and, essentially, we are recreating each of those local meetings into a global trauma meeting.”

Dr Qasim, who is also a consultant cardiologist in London, launched MedShr to enable clinicians to share cases and clinical images without a risk to patient safety.

The app also provides a level of peer-to-peer learning, especially for doctors in developing countries that don’t always have access to specialist training conferences and meetings.

It also provides medical students and doctors in training the opportunity to connect online with senior specialists.

MedShr has a variety of other platforms alongside Trauma Meeting including; Tumour Board, which allows clinicians to discuss tumour cases; and General Surgery.

“This kind of case discussion should happen on a bespoke platform that protects patient privacy and not happen on open social media,” Dr Qasim added.

“We know that using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram to do these kinds of things is useful, but it’s not appropriate.

“We have powerful devices that we carry around with us and we use them for so many things to make life easier and yet there’s a risk we practice medicine in a rather old-fashioned way.”

Giving clinicians the ability to communicate more is an issue which a number of technology companies are trying to tackle.

For example, in August 2018, Digital Health News reported on how System C’s CareFlow Connect app was rolled out to clinicians at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust to help link up care teams and reduce the organisation’s reliance on paper.