GDE Wirral Hospital recognised for innovation and technology use

  • 4 February 2019
GDE Wirral Hospital recognised for innovation and technology use
Arrowe Park Hospital, one of five site that are part of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where Paul Charnley is CIO.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) NHS Foundation Trust has been globally recognised by healthcare IT leaders for its use of technology.

The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) named the global digital exemplar (GDE) as having one of the “most wired” hospitals in the world in 2018.

NHS England’s GDE programme aims to create a group of reference sites for NHS digitisation that provide standardised blueprints for other trusts to follow.

As one of the selected GDE’s, WUTH has introduced a number of digital projects including an electronic patient record, powered by cloud-based Cerner Millennium, to improve safe guarding, document retrieval, electronic referrals and to support infection control.

The hospital has also implemented a patient portal for colorectal, urological and breast cancer patients to reduce the number of follow up outpatient appointments after cancer treatment.

Recently the Wirral care record (WCR) was implemented, which uses Cerner’s intelligence platform HealtheIntent, to create a record covering nearly 330,000 people living in the Wirral area.

The WCR is helping care providers and commissioners in Wirral to know their population and identify risks, and apply clinical recommendations to the public to help engage them and keep them healthy and away from ill health.

Paul Charnley, director of IT and information for Wirral University Teaching Hospitals, said: “Over the last decade we have been working really hard to build on existing technology and adopting new clinical IT systems to enhance patient care and provide a state of art decision support system for all care teams in Wirral.

“We are optimising clinical pathways that revolutionise workflows inside the hospital and change the way care is delivered, supporting new care models.”

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  • Have these online portals been trialed anywhere objectively?

  • Wirral residents appreciate the fantastic care they receive from the hard-pressed staff at WUTH hospitals but are not so sanguine about the digital ‘direction of travel’. We know that health secretary Matt Appcock is anxious (to the point of offering free advertising) to promote private computer systems to replace our GP and hospital appointments. But this is part of a wider strategy to replace the necessary human interactions which we value by either crude a-human algorithms or private insurance if you want real-life doctors and nurses. Cerner might have bases and wide penetration in the UK but essentially they are yet another US health corporation, one of the powerful cohort which have colonised the NHS through the back door of ‘systems’ despite denials (for example here in Wirral) that this is happening. Yes, we want a modern smoothly functioning health system but that smoothness MUST be accompanied by MORE hospital beds, by MORE outpatients facilities, by MORE staff (currently 100,000 vacancies) on enhanced pay and conditions. That might bring us up to the levels taken for granted by other ‘civilised’ countries and is easily affordable in the world’s fifth richest country.

  • “The hospital has also implemented a patient portal for colorectal, urological and breast cancer patients to reduce the number of follow up outpatient appointments after cancer treatment”
    Can anyone explain how this is being done please?
    “The WCR is helping care providers and commissioners in Wirral to know their population and identify risks, and apply clinical recommendations to the public to help engage them and keep them healthy and away from ill health.”
    How are Wirral CCG, WCR, Wirral care providers addressing the determinents of health such as air quality, poverty and it’s effects on health, poor access to mental health MSK services.

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