Healthcare organisations offered funding to deploy Patients Know Best

  • 2 September 2019
Healthcare organisations offered funding to deploy Patients Know Best

Patients Know Best (PKB) has been selected by NHS England to support up to six areas to deploy its patient portal.

The Innovation and Technology 2019/20 programme chose Patients Know Best (PKB) as an interoperable personal health record (PHR) tool, giving a number of healthcare organisations the funds required to deploy a PHR from PKB.

PKB arms patients with the information needed to better understand their health and care, along with the tools to increase self-care and independence whilst promoting prevention.

Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, CEO and founder of PKB said: “NHS England has only allocated this funding to one PHR, which is a big endorsement of the achievements of our existing PKB customers.

“It is great that NHS England are pump-priming new healthcare organisations in their digital roadmaps for delivering a patient portal. It also supports our mission as a social enterprise to empower patients to take control.

“We’re thrilled as this helps us to bring more data, more quickly to more patients.”

PKB announced in July 2019 that it had partnered up with a social prescribing company, HealthUnlocked, in order to make it easier for healthcare professionals to offer their patients more holistic, personalised care plans in the form of a social prescription that complements clinical treatments.

Previous partnerships have included Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board in Wales and  Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, which offered the PKB system to 3,200 people with inflammatory bowel disease.

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  • Does this mean that HMG will invest in any patient portal solution?

    • Hi Felim
      The funding in this article is only for the PKB PHR.

      Mohammad, Patients Know Best

    • The ITP EGF programme is bringing a catalogue of PHR suppliers to Providers. There are criteria that the PHR suppliers need to meet. For more info email

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