The Digital Health Plug-in: GP IT Futures

  • 21 November 2019
The Digital Health Plug-in: GP IT Futures

Digital Health has published its latest analysis piece for subscribers of Digital Health Intelligence.

The latest issue of The Plug-In examines the new IT framework for primary care, and the opportunities it offers digital health service suppliers hoping to target the NHS.

It outlines the ambitions of NHS Digital to overhaul general practice IT in line with targets set by the NHS Long-Term Plan, which states that patients should have access to video consolations and similar services by 2021.

It also highlights the direction of travel for existing NHS suppliers of secondary care IT who are now hoping to tap GP, mental health and community services.

The Plug-In is a new, monthly insight report from Digital Health that is exclusively available to subscribers of Digital Health Intelligence.

Digital Health Intelligence provides granular-level, census-based data about the healthcare technologies across all UK NHS trusts.

This business information resource includes data about:

  • Some 70 clinical systems, their vendors and contract dates
  • Infrastructure and cyber security
  • A data toolkit to explore Market share by clinical system and the Clinical Digital Maturity Index penetration data
  • CDMI details on a per-trust basis – to reflect a trust’s digital maturity/move towards paperless
  • Supplier details: A database of some 700 vendors with details of solutions provided to each trust
  • Incisive industry reports

To subscribe, go to and click ‘Register today’.

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