
Royal Derby goes live with DXC Technology’s ClinicalAide

The technology allows clinicians to access information such as test results and prescribed medications and early warning scores from mobile
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£300,000 funding call for Manchester-based healthcare innovators

Businesses with digital healthcare products or services can apply for up to £75,000 through the Health Innovation Manchester Momentum Fund.
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Advisory Series: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been promoted as a tool which could transform the way clinicians work in the NHS.
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Digital Health Award winner profile: Natasha Phillips, CNIO of the Year

CNIO of the Year 2019 Natasha Phillips speaks to Digital Health reporter Owen Hughes about the work - and the
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Dr Foster to create integrated care system for Lambeth GP Federations

Health data specialists will work with Federations to create bespoke data dashboards, linking the organisations and enabling them to compare
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UK’s success in robotic surgery will be ‘undermined’ by Brexit

An Imperial College study found there is a “consensus” that Brexit is likely to “undermine the UK’s status as a
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NHSX CEO Matthew Gould to be Rewired 2020 keynote

Gould will take part in a sofa conversation and Q&A session on the main Digital Transformation stage at Rewired with
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15 digital health enterprises selected for Manchester accelerator

The businesses will take part in the Greater Manchester Future of Health Challenge, an initiative set up in June to
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Digital Health Unplugged: The Shuri Network on diversity in digital health

This month's Digital Health Podcast with the Shuri Network explores the need for diversity in digital health and what needs
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Health Education England recruits 17 digital fellows

The fellowship, first recommended in the Topol Review, allow clinicians to combine their clinical training or current job with digital
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