Covid-19: NHS datasets ‘not sophisticated enough’ to flag high risk patients
- 31 March 2020

Primary care clinicians are being asked to flag vulnerable patients at greater risk of hospitalisation from coronavirus as central NHS datasets are “not sophisticated enough” to identify all groups.
A letter sent to GPs from Dr Nikita Kanani, medical director for primary care, asked those central to patient care to identify at-risk patients who may have slipped under the radar.
Vulnerable patients, including those with underlying health conditions and the elderly, are currently being notified to stay at home for 12 weeks as a preventative measure during the Covid-19 outbreak.
But the letter, seen by Digital Health News, acknowledges that databases held by NHS England are not extensive enough to identify every at-risk patient.
“Central datasets are not sophisticated enough to identify all categories of patients who should be included in the vulnerable groups list,” the letter states.
“We are grateful for the help of colleagues in the Medical Royal Colleges and societies who are cascading guidance to secondary care to help them identify other high risk patients from their caseload.
“We appreciate this is a complex task requiring difficult judgements, and we ask for your help, as the GP central to the care of these patients, in achieving this.”
Patients who have been contacted by NHS England can be identified through an “at high risk” indicator code applied to their patient record.
The code, applied by individual practices’ clinical system supplier, is designed to better inform GPs which patients have already been told to self-isolate.
Suppliers have also been asked to provide GPs with a full report of patients who have been identified centrally as being high risk.
“We ask that you review this report for accuracy and, where any of these patients have dementia, a learning disability or autism, that you provide appropriate additional support to them to ensure they continue receiving access to care,” the letter adds.
Secondary care providers and specialists are also being asked to flag at-risk patients.
NHS England continues to ramp up its response to coronavirus, with a particular focus on primary care.
Eleven suppliers have been selected to provide video consultations for primary care following a confidential 48-hour tender issued by NHS England.
The accelerated tender was for the immediate provision of online primary care to help the NHS cope with unprecedented patient demand as well as reducing the need for face-to-face appointments.
Digital Health Unplugged has recorded a special coronavirus edition of the podcast to keep you up-to-date on the latest news from the NHS and suppliers as the outbreak continues. You can tune in on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Podcasts as well as on Digital Health News.
I have contacted my Dr today I have multiple sclerosis on a moderate immune suppression and am wheelchair bound. She is doing me a letter to say that although I don’t meet the criteria for a shielding letter (although I am shielding because I’m petrified and can’t go shopping people have to pass me things and social distancing is impossible) the letter is gonna say that because I’m disabled as well she is classing me as vulnerable maybe try this for people who haven’t got a letter. You can self identify on if you do meet the criteria
I’ve just received a letter saying I need to self isolate for three months,the only thing I have is high blood pressure which is controlled by tablets and is under control. Does only having this put me under the category for self isolation?
i have high blood pressure controlled with tablets, diabetes(type 2), asthma and heamachromatosis and have not received a letter, doesn’t seem to be any consistency across the board
Hie i have diagnoses of high blood pressure and thyroid cancer for which im currently under going radio active iodine treatment .
But surprisingly i have not received a letter from the government even though i meet the criteria for the most vulnerable people from corona virus due to undelying health issues.
I even had a three way telephone conversation with my manager and occupational health in which the occupational health strongly advised that i cant work with patients at the moment due to my risk .
Im a staff nurse and work on the frontline which make me very vulnerable and highest risk from corona virus due to my underlying health issues. My manager has been rightfully chasing me for the letter in order to pay me for the 12 weeks i have been advised to isolate and shield.
Now i dont know where to turn to get this and letter as my GP seem not be helpful either
Hi, I sympathise, since I posted on this article I recontacted my GP’s and got past the receptionist and spoke to a Dr, who, once I’d explained that I hadn’t had a letter and had read an article advising NHS computer system can’t find everyone and that GP surgeries were to step in said that it was a total shambles and they are waiting to be told and for systems to allow them amend records showing who has been sent or received a letter, however, the Dr has issued the highest risk letter to me and connected me to the appropriate further assistance team so contact your GP again, quote from the article, there has been updated guidance issued to GP surgeries, good luck
Hi Rachel,
I know this doesn’t help you, however I have uncontrolled high blood pressure and I’m having to work in a non-essential job as I haven’t had a letter. Do you mind me asking what it says and if it explains why you are at high risk. I live in Leeds, where do you live? I hope you get it sorted.
I have autoimmune Addison’s disease & a life dependent steroid patient, my gp have told me they don’t know about a register
Hi, I sympathise, since I posted on this article I recontacted my GP’s and got past the receptionist and spoke to a Dr, who, once I’d explained that I hadn’t had a letter and had read an article advising NHS computer system can’t find everyone and that GP surgeries were to step in said that it was a total shambles and they are waiting to be told and for systems to allow them amend records showing who has been sent or received a letter, however, the Dr has issued the highest risk letter to me and connected me to the appropriate further assistance team so contact your GP again, quote from the article, there has been updated guidance issued to GP surgeries, good luck
I have Addison’s too.
this link may help. take care
I Have COPD and have not received a letter from the NHS telling me what they want me to do!!!!!!
Hi William, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
I have diabetes , high blood pressure my other colleagues who have theses condition have received the letter and I fall under vulnerable category but however I haven’t decided the letter me now my employer is not paying me for 12 weeks isolation. Please improve the service . My gp isn’t helping me too and there is no way I can contact the NHS about this letter
I have ME/chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure, an anxiety disorder & am aged 65. Currently recovering from a ME relapse. Not on the ‘extremely vulnerable list” but have been told I’m in the “increased risk” group. Not had a letter but waiting to speak to GP about it.
Hi I suffer from copd but have not received a letter to self isolate although I am as I work as a post office at the counter and my employer wants this letter what do i have to do
Hi Vivien, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
The whole thing is so confusing I have lupus and was originally told to stay home , had no letter the gp refused ! I finally speak to someone at rheumatology they said letters will be sent out so relax , still no letter I then get a call from a nurse saying I’m not at risk at all because I’m not on meds …….I medicate with ibuprofen because I’m not having bad glares at the moment, now I don’t know what I’m supposed to do , Sainsbury’s emailed saying they’ve received government data that I’m in vulnerable group , so next week I might be back at work I’m not sure yet until I speak with my manager
I should add aswell that lupus uk originally replied to my email stating that lupus itself puts me at high risk , do I would be sensible to go by government advice,the immunosuppressive drugs puts my risk even higher……… the gp told me to isolate because of having lupus but refused to send a letter so so far I have been told to isolate but I do not have proof to provide my employer that I have been told to do so, resulting in me possibly missing out on a months wage because I can’t prove I’ve been told to isolate
I am 50 years old, I’ve had type 1 Diabetes and I’ve had a triple heart bypass amongst other health problems. I also live myself but haven’t received an at risk letter, what should I do? Please help.
Hi Corinne, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
I am a Liver transplant recipient and have had a splenectomy so no spleen, aswell as many other illnesses that make me vulnerable for Co-vid19, I still haven’t received any notification of any kind despite phoning my GP’s twice but getting stopped at the receptionit’s and being told the NHS are running behind, however, my Flatmate is also in the highest risk group and has been receiving daily texts aswell as a few letters and is receiving assistance. Obviously, I understand what I have to do to keep safe as he had let me see everything. I have registered as a highly vulnerable person requiring additional help but because when they have checked I’m not on this ‘List’ I have been referred to the instructions for ordinary people so that isn’t going to help. I will try again with my GP and now am able to quote from your article, thankyou
If anyone has any advice please respond
Hi Samantha, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
Q: why not use pharmacists /pharmacies?
Would not particular medications indicate the at-risk conditions and as many prescription services are now digitised surely this could serve as source data – eg: insulin for diabetes and losartan etc. for hypertension.
I have had discussions with NHS Digital around the ability that Veritas have to Discover and Classify Data. As part of the Classification process you can create specific “search strings” that could include, for example, all of the underlying health conditions that a Patient may have.
they have not followed up on this conversation.
Hi I have asthma, diabetes and severe sleep apnea and have use a machine whilst I sleep as I stop breathing regular would I be high risk
Hi Lisa, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
The letter us too general. We have people who have not used asthma pumps in years . However it’s still on their records .. never been off sick for it yet as soon as they cam get 22 weeks off ..they are crying all kinds off illness. you can just guess how employees and others are reacting
I have a severe and rare congenital heart condition that I once had heart by pass surgery for and now on medication for life, also i work in a care home with vulnerable and high risk categorised patients yet i have not received an NHS letter or tax, i have four children and i am petrified going to work and feel desperate for help but nobody seems to want to offer it,so please please try and help me
I have an organ transplant & high risk and also a key worker. Does anyone know who can I contact regarding the NHS letter as I still haven’t had one. I need this for my work & payroll. I’m hitting a brick wall with my GP’s who I understand have to mark you on the shielded list. Any information would be appreciated.
Hi Alyson, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
If the letter you are referring to is the isolation note, NHS Digital has said the notes can be accessed via NHS 111 ( or NHS.UK, as well as via the NHS app.
Can anyone advise if recent diagnosed and infected on 2 ocassions in last 12months urachl abnormalities are classed as at risk. Being rare fisease identifued by the WHO ICD10?
Hi Sazy, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists. We are not part of the NHS, nor are we affiliated with the NHS or any other healthcare provider in the UK.
As such, Digital Health News is unable able to offer guidance regarding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We advise anyone seeking approved medical advice to visit
offer of help SNOMED CT coding /covid…… anyone looking at writing algorithms in SNOMED ct to id patients at risk and or surveillance..(ie using SNOMED CT not just mapping from read?)
Yes we are at Docobo. Would value whatever you’ve produced
Thank you
We are aware of the SystmOne Read code for patients at high risk of developing complications from Covid19 infection: Y228a (SNOMED 1300561000000100).
We have a lot of patients asking why they are not incuded on the list, and cannot find a way to add them onto an audit register, other than adding the above read code into the notes manually ourselves.
Anybody else having the same problems or has come up with any solutions to this..?
Hi I am classes at high risk I have copd and not got my letter saying I am plus I can’t get food deliveries as hard to get and not down as high risk phoned doctor they can’t help registered on gov web site but still no good please help us all who are vulnerable and not received any letters
I have c.o.p.d and have not received a letter from the NHS about what I should do!!!
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