King’s College London launches Covid-19 symptom reporting app

  • 25 March 2020
King’s College London launches Covid-19 symptom reporting app

King’s College London has launched an app enabling people to report symptoms of Covid-19 so that the progression of the disease can be tracked in real time.

Around 5,000 twins and their families across the UK have been recruited from the TwinsUK cohort study to trial the app.

The aim is to help slow the outbreak of Covid-19 by helping researchers determine how fast the virus is spreading in a particular area, identify high-risk areas in the country and who is most at risk, by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions.

Twins using the app will record information about their health on a daily basis, including temperature, tiredness and symptoms such as coughing, breathing problems or headaches.

Those showing signs of Covid-19 will be sent a home testing kit to determine what symptoms truly correspond to the coronavirus infection.

The app will be also available to the general public without the home testing component.

Comparing genetically identical twins with non-identical twins, who are as related as regular siblings, will enable researchers to separate the effects of genes from environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, previous illnesses and infections, and the microbes within the gut (microbiome).

Researchers believe that the data from the study will reveal important information about the symptoms and progress of the Covid-19 infection in different people, and why some go on to develop more severe or fatal disease while others have only mild symptoms.

They also say it will help the urgent clinical need to distinguish mild coronavirus symptoms from seasonal coughs and colds, which may be leading people to unnecessarily self-isolate when they aren’t infected or inadvertently go out and spread the disease when they are.

The free monitoring app has been developed as a partnership between researchers at King’s and health data science company ZOE. It will be widely available to health staff and the general public who wish to contribute to this research.

It will also be used by other large population studies in the UK and US.

Professor Spector said: “These are worrying times for everyone. Our twins are fantastically committed, enthusiastic health research participants who have already been studied in unprecedented detail, putting us in a unique position to provide vital answers to support the global fight against Covid-19.

“The more of the public that also use the app, the better the real-time data we will have to combat the outbreak in this country.”

The TwinsUK COVID-19 research study is funded by King’s College London, ZOE Global Ltd, the CDRF charity, and the National Institute of Health Research Guy’s and St Thomas’ Biomedical Research Centre. Any data gathered from the app and study will be used strictly for public health or academic research and will not be used commercially or sold.

This follows the news that NHSX is in the process of developing its own contact tracking app to monitor the spread of coronavirus.

The app, which would operate on an opt-in basis, would alert people to new cases in their area as well as allowing people to input their own symptoms, with the information shared with the relevant authorities.

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Other Covid-19 related news on Digital Health:


Disclaimer: Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists and therefore cannot answer questions about the app. Please direct questions to the Covid symptom tracker website

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  • Are we to use this to report no symptoms and feeling well even if we don’t think we’ve had Coronavirus yet? Or is it just to report any symptoms (mild or bad) when we think we’ve got it/had it?

    • Use it even when you’re feeling well and have had no symptoms that may or may not be Covid-19.

  • Thanks Helen & the Digital Health team for sharing more about our COVID Tracker app!

    The COVID symptom tracker is a not for profit app that was produced in a very short development time, therefore we admit there may be a bug or two. We have taken steps to resolve many of the issues reported in the comments shared over the past week, and continue to work hard to improve the app.

    We hope that the following will help those who experienced problems using the app last week:
    – Our newest update of the app now has a password reset functionality, which makes it possible for users to reset their password in cases where log in is required after updating the app
    – A daily reminder notification is being introduced to help encourage daily reporting
    – We are constantly reviewing the latest research and advice from scientists to ensure that symptoms and questions are up to date, and are also working on adding an additional field for participants to report any other symptoms that are not currently listed in the app.
    – Although it is not available at present, we are hoping to release a feature that will make reporting for other family members available in the near future.

    We also welcome any and all feedback about our app in the relevant app store, or at

    • Since I cannot use app, like many others, I thought I would write symptoms I had nearly 3 weeks ago now.
      I was very anxious to start with, not normal for me, then I had a couple of days where I had irritable eyes, bloody nose and infected mucous, stomach pain, followed by conjunctivitis in left eye for 1-2 days, followed by very strange diarrhoea. I may have had a temperature but I am also 63 year old woman who still has occasional night sweats, so hard to tell. From the onset I had minor Hives, I have had severe hives in the past but this was very subtle and did not cause a full blown rash, but I did have irritation of my skin at times. My appetite was very poor too, preparing food and forcing myself to eat, however, I was aware that i wasn’t really tasting my food.This lasted for about 4-5 days. Preceding this I was in contact with someone who had returned from Salzburg in Austria.
      Without an antibody test I cant know whether I was infected with coronavirus or not. From the onset I isolated myself from my family and friends and stayed home unless I needed to buy food.
      I hope this is useful and can be collected in your data as I am concerned that NHS is still sticking to persitent cough and fever, or cough OR fever and I suspect there are various symptoms that are becoming apparent.

    • The tracker has contacted me saying I am not who I say I am and to contact my GP to verify who I am. This is ridiculous and I don’t know what I should do … perhaps as I was doing this on my phone I misspelled something … the last thing I wAnt to do is bother my GP practice at this time and I certainly don’t want to do there as suggested with proof of who I am !! I’m at a loss at what to do . All the more falling as I used to be a Tommies student nurse

  • Have no symptoms no loss of smell or taste

  • Make the app use social media profiles for auto logging in; Google, Facebook etc. Avoids the need for separate authentication and all the associated pw issues.

    Don’t have a Google etc account? Go create one to log in.

    Also, consider adding a support request function within the app.

    • I have also been shut out and have not received a response to my email asking for help. Sadly the information gathered through the app is going to be useless if so many of us are unable to give the relevant information. The app is such a good idea, but such a problem!

  • It logged me out after a couple of days. It seems to be in need of further testing.

  • Are we likely to see a daily summary of the spread of this virus?

    • I won’t allow me to create an account. When I press continue nothing happens.

  • I have also been locked out. I am sure that my password was 7 characters long but to create a new account it is asking for 8. I have found this email address to report the issue and have had an automatic reply –

    • I can’t login and there is no way to reset the password.

      • My wife and I, both on Android Huawei P10s, are locked out. The app refuses to accept our passwords, won’t allow us to re-register and has no password reset options.

        These are app basics. Begs the question, if this was going to be done and if any use, why this was not considered/implemented.

        • Similar problem, I was able to automatically sign in from my phone until the app asked you to choose if you were in the UK or the USA. Now I can’t, forgotten my password and no way to reset

      • Have been locked out, unable to reset password. Looks like this is happening a lot.

        • I have the same problem.
          I was able to automatically sign in from my phone until the app asked you to choose if you were in the UK or the USA. Now I can’t, forgotten my password and no way to reset

  • I have downloaded the app several times but each time locks up when I try to create an account.

    • I though it was locking up also. Like you I tried several times! Actually you have to give it time after pressing Next to go to the next field. Seems to take ages. Watch the blue line at the top – it doesn’t appear to move but I think if the blue line is there the next page will eventually pop up. It did for me. Good Luck

    • I have also been locked out. I am sure that my password was 7 characters long but to create a new account it is asking for 8. I have found this email address to report the issue and have had an automatic reply –

  • I downloaded the app successfully and used it for about 3 days. Now I have had 2 days if a temperature and mild aches and pains I can’t use the app. I was asked to login which I hadn’t previously. Doesn’t recognise my password and no option to reset password.?

    • Couldn’t create account despite trying several times

      • O

        • Have no symptoms no loss of smell or taste

  • I had to create another account????

    • Issue today – app logged me out but can’t logon or reset password.

      • I’ve had the same issue, have created an account twice and each time on the third day have been asked to login and then Not Recognised. Given up now as no option to reset password and no more email addresses for new account. I’m on Android, my husband hasn’t had these issues on Apple.

    • I had no problem downloading the covid-19 to my Huawei p10 or using this app. I have used it for about 5 days now with no problems. I’ve been passing it on to friends and family, I hope they aren’t having problems. It’s such a great idea to let the uni know who is healthy, or not, and where and how it is spreading.

  • Hi can’t access even though I have correct details. Says it cant recognise me

  • password issues – get the password reset option set up

  • I know my password but it is saying not recognised. Sounds like a problem with the app.

    • Functionality sounds an issue .. lots are repeating similar experiences

  • I wanted to track my general health during this coronavirus outbreak as I’m in the at risk category. I need to reset my password, is there going to be IT support? I went onto the Apps installed page and emailed to contact about my issue logging in again, but have not heard anything as yet? I hope that this trial is useful, but fear if unable to log daily updates, this will be rendered useless ????

  • Yup, I agree with so many above. Such a potentially valuable app but without the option to reset passwords it is next to useless. I’m sure they must be working on it. likely thousands of people not using it for this reason. I’ve given up.

    • App won’t let me create an account

  • Unable to login saying not recognised. No way to reset, very frustrating. Been sending in stats for while now.
    Will keep trying.

    • Ditto! Hope they fix this soon…

      • Same, not recognising my password but no facility to reset it.

        • Yup, I have the same login issues done to UK /USA option applied.

      • Unable to use
        Forgotten or unrecognised

      • Logged in once. Used twice more without having to enter password..? Then had to log in again, forgot password, no reset. Reinstalled but no change. So – yes, reset function urgent!

  • Have been using the app for a few days. Today there is a US and UK option. It asked me to log in again but won’t accept the password. I tried to correct a new account but it won’t let me use the same password again. Can you please fix this?

    • Having been locked out for the past three days because I forgot my password I have just gone straight to site, didn’t have to sign in and was immediately asked two questions- had I been tested for covid19 and how did I feel today. Bizarre and really not sure if this system is working properly at all.

      • Yep, same issue here!

  • Haven’t been able to log in at all today – would have recorded no change.

    • Yep, same here

  • joined up yesterday – and can’t log on today – says not identify me – No place to reset password although i KNOW i have the correct one. re installed app and still can’t do anything – know this was developed very quickly but it isn’t working! – i give up

  • Can’t log in or reset password

    • I couldn’t sign in today. So frustrating. I’ll keep trying.

    • I posted the following this morning:

      Just heard from Dr Steves – the research team are trying to rectify the password reset omission urgently.

      Dr Steves is the research lead on this project.

  • Just heard from Dr Steves – the research team are trying to rectify the password reset omission urgently.

    • Good..
      And its thrown me out. I know my password but it wont let me in and I can reset password

  • I located my password in samsung pass. I had trouble signing in as I had forgotten my password. I was sure that I had saved it on my samsung pass facility on my samsung galaxy. I went to my settings, then biometrics and security and it gives me a list of my forms and apps saved in my Samsung pass. I clicked on the Covid-19 tracker app and there were the details that I used to sign up. Found my password there. Hope this helps some folks.

  • I forgot my password and can’t reset ….only option new account ….is this being looked at ,it doesn’t seem right to make new account ,won’t that ruin the data collection ?

    • Cant sign in today, says it doesn’t recognize password or give a reset option

  • Cant reset my password!!! Like others.

    • Hi Jackie, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists and therefore cannot answer questions about the app. Please direct questions to the Covid symptom tracker website (

    • It doesn’t have a reset password link! Locked out. Their tech guys need to fix this if they want it to work.

    • I downloaded the app to my Samsung tablet, I just got a blue screen so unable to log in. I’v downloaded the app to my IPad and it works perfectly. I assume the app was built for iPads and iPhones.

  • The app is a real time symptom tracker but I had
    The corona virus 3 weeks ago and am much better now so you don’t get my worst symptoms on this App.
    They were terrible sore throat like sharp knives, lost my voice completely. Had a terrible fever for 12 hours with fatigue, headache and was full of catarrh in nose and eyes. This symptom had me convinced that it was a common cold as it wasn’t included in the descriptions of symptoms online. Also I took ibrufen and it helped which isn’t consistent with normal advice. I’ve been taking a powerful herbal antiviral tincture with elderberry thyme and immune boosting mushrooms, so I think that helped me.

  • I signed up to App yesterday but by this morning have forgotten my password! There does not seem to be a facility to reset password. Thanks

    • Hi Jennifer, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists and therefore cannot answer questions about the app. Please direct questions to the Covid symptom tracker website (

  • I am recovering from a mild form of covid19 , I took the nhs111 test but it was a week after the severe attack: My symptoms were high temperature, dry dusty type of coughing, loss of taste, sweating, fatigue, body and joint pain.
    The introduction of the app would make it easy and faster for people to know if they have symptoms.
    My symptoms felt like I was having a heart attack. I thought of calling 999 but decided to wait. The pain carried on, so I took paracetamol, flu meds, some gel for pain relief, which I rubbed on my chest and back. I also used some pain killers without the flu meds or paracetamol. That’s why my corona virus came down to mild symptoms.

  • Tried to use the covid 19 app. It would not allow me to sign in. Can I reset my password? It might be I registered earlier and thought it did not work

    • Hi Sylvia, Digital Health News is a news service run by a team of journalists and therefore cannot answer questions about the app. Please direct questions to the Covid symptom tracker website (

  • I have found the same problem as I think I had the infection two weeks ago and am unable to explain the symptoms I had then and those I have have been left with.

    • Hannah – There doesn’t seem to be the facility to report any issues at the end of your link but I have found an email address. I have received an automatic response with promise of a reply –

  • Good to do something useful

  • There is a question whether you think you HAD Covid 19, but then they ask about your symptoms NOW. I am almost 100% sure I had it 6 weeks ago, still some minor symptoms left. Would be good when you could fill in the date (first day of symptoms) you think you HAD it, to better understand the development/movement of the virus.

    • Hi on reflection my daughter had flu ike syptoms a couple of weeks ago before this all broke but agreed there is nowhere to notify this If the app does not develop or adapt or to respond to feedback information it will have limited value

  • I think the collected data may be even more representative is the App had a feature to report symptoms within the household.

    • agree

  • I realise that there’s no way to enter your symptoms and no selector of other symptoms that they mentioned. I have said that I am not well. I have labrynthitis, which is virus based. There’s no way to say about it and no way to go back to amend if I think I’ve done it wrong.

    • I too am now locked out of the app as I have forgotten my password.
      Urgently needs a ‘ reset password’ option.

  • After initial enthusiasm and recommendation I am unsure of the value of this app and whether to continue using it due to the lack of detail gathering and context of circumstances

  • It would be good if app and analytics could reply to comments or update, I’m not keen on one way traffic information systems

  • No option to inform whether working and field of work or not which would give more detail, also no range of symptoms or family information

  • Great idea, but think that questions could also be made about any supplements that are taken eg cod liver oil, garlic, multi-vitamins etc.

  • Great idea. Feeling well and going to bed????

  • I filled this in but it seems to be missing the symptoms of lack of taste and smell which I have and which I know others have said the same and which is referenced elsewhere as being a common symptom.

  • Hi I am at home just had knee replacement surgery 3weeks ago how do I complete this

    • Having filled in this form via the app I found that some of the symptoms are not mentioned or recognised as Covid19 so the true nature of this disease is not going to be reported. I also had loss of taste and smell, sore throat, bad headaches and fatigue along with a dry cough.

      Seems to be recognised in other countries though and countless people are reporting the loss of taste and smell but this appears to be ignored in the UK.

  • How do I join

  • I filled this in for myself (no symptoms) but my daughter now has symptoms. Is there a way of reporting a household’s symptoms?

  • Hi
    I’m now using this app, think it’s a great idea even after this outbreak is over.
    Is there going to be a map of the virus spread?

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