
Digital Health Unplugged: Tech talk with Matthew Gould

NHSX chief Matthew Gould joins Andrea Downey on this week's podcast to talk funding, technology, standards and provide an update
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Rewired keynote Jacqueline de Rojas talks technology and silver bullets

Speaking ahead of Rewired 2020, techUK president Jacqueline de Rojas discusses the importance of inclusion in all forms in driving
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Healthcare needs a new year resolution to improve cyber-awareness

Even though it the start of February, our cyber security columnist, Davey Winder, is thinking about resolutions and whether 2020
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Patient data sent to global drug companies ‘may not be anonymous’

Patients whose medical information is of particular interest to international companies have already been identified, senior NHS officials claimed.
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Digital Health Champions Network to tackle distrust in online health

The network was established following research that found a lack of digital skills was preventing patients from engaging with online
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CQC publishes report into first regulatory sandbox pilot

The CQC has published a report into its first regulatory sandbox pilot, which focused on the use of digital triage
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North Lincolnshire lung patients first in UK to be offered ‘virtual rehab’

Patients with COPD have the option of taking part in rehabilitation exercises from an immersive beachside environment using a virtual
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POLL: Should there be a mandatory minimum tech spend in the NHS?

NHSX is looking into the prospect of introducing a mandatory minimum technology spend for NHS trusts and Digital Health News
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Digital trailblazers explore future direction for clinical software at Rewired

The clinical software track at Rewired will be focussed on the latest developments, open platforms, large-scale implementations and benefits realisation.
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Movers and shakers news round-up

This month's movers and shakers covers appointments at Kent and Medway CCG, South West Academic Science Network and Zesty.
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