Digital Health Rewired programme highlights to catch next week
- 12 March 2021

Digital Health Rewired starts on Monday with a week-long virtual programme of speakers, workshops and panels. Here are some of the key highlights that you won’t want to miss.
We’ve got some great keynote speakers for you at Rewired, but we also encourage readers to look beyond the headliners and explore some of the great sessions across the programme.
You’ll find a rich variety of workshops, panels and practice sessions as well as lightning talks and video case studies.
Here’s your quick guide to some of the great sessions at Rewired 2021. If you haven’t already registered you can do so here, and access to the platform is here.
Sessions will be available on demand following the event.
Pitchfest and Yoga
Join us each lunchtime on Monday to Thursday for the Rewired Pitchfest heats, where four start-ups will battle it out each day for a place in Friday’s live Pitchfest Final.
Get loosened up for a day of learning with early morning yoga sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.00 to 08.30am. None other than NHSX’s CIO Sonia Patel will host Monday’s yoga session.
Monday – 15 March
Interopen Hackathons (10.00 – 10.50am) will provide a showcase of the work from Interopen’s online hackathons for medications, care plans and staff identity.
Great interoperability bake off (11.00 – 11.50am) will focus on the latest work in applying standards to health and care.
And at 11.50am we have three great Zoom workshops for you to choose from, including: The Art of Cancer Data integration and How to Build a Shared Care Record in 12 Weeks
Digital Responses to Covid-19 Summit
Learn how different NHS organisations have used digital and data to respond to the pandemic. We have case studies on Developing a tele-neonatolgy programme from Alder Hay and Implementing Digital Solutions at Pace During Covid-19 from NHSX.
Providing a snapshot of work across the NHS, the afternoon is packed with 5-minute video lightning talks with online Q&As.
And you won’t want to miss the What has proved effective? panel with Sarah Scobie and Jessica Morris from the Nuffield Trust, Terje Wistner from the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Health Authorities, and Gareth Thomas from NHSX.
Tuesday – 16 March
We promise our early live New Zealand Track is worth getting up at 6.30am for, with Shayne Hunter, deputy-director general, data and digital at Ministry of Health New Zealand, Dr Ruth Large from the NZ Telehealth Forum and Nigel Miller, chief medical officer of the Southern Health Board
Later in the morning we have Sarah Wilkinson and Matthew Gould, CEOs of NHS Digital and NHSX. Plus we’ve got we’ve got a View from the Top with NHS CEOs, Dr Owen Williams, Dr Richard Jenkins and Dr Navina Evans.
But you’ll also want to check out our workshops (12.30-13.00pm), Board already? Reflections from board-level digital leaders, which will explore the experience of digital leaders on the board while the FEDIP workshop will bring together the four national NHS CIOs from across the UK to explore professionalism.
After lunch, our international leadership keynotes are Russ Branzell from CHIME, Ryan Smith, from Intermountain Health and Dr Karen Murphy from Geisinger.
The Shuri Network returns to Rewired at 3.10pm with Next Steps in Developing BAME Leaders, followed at 4.10pm by Digital Aspirants and Journeys to Digital Maturity.
The day rounds off with the choice of four terrific leadership workshops: Future digital leaders – where next with HEE; Let’s be having you! Building the CIO profession; Digital Nursing Workshop; and The Digital Pioneer Fellowship with DigitalHealth.London.
Wednesday – 17 March
Connected Care and Cloud and Mobile Summits
Wednesday is the busiest day of the week with the Connected Care and Cloud and Mobile Summits running side by side in the morning, and the Clinical Software and Virtual Care Summits in the afternoon.
Each of the four summits are packed with great ten-minute case studies and five-minute lightning talks.
For Connected Care starting 9.50am, you’ll want to catch The evolution of the Great Northern Care Record and Bringing data-driven case-finding approaches to Primary Care and From the Tower of Babel to Skynet: daring to architect the age of clinical general artificial intelligence.
In Cloud and Mobile at 10.10am you can catch Massive, rapid scale up and adoption of video call access to NHS services nationally by Chris Ryan, founder of Attend Anywhere.
Clinical Software and Virtual Care Summits
In Clinical Software from 3.20pm, the case studies will be Next generation messaging for patients’ care pathways, Making Covid driven digital transformation stick – what is the new norm for care delivery? And offering a fascinating perspective on Babylon’s work in Africa, we have Scaling up digital health in Rwanda.
While in Virtual Care at 2.24pm, we have sessions on virtual care in the pandemic: SMILE – supporting patient through wearable tech and How virtual wards reduce A&E admissions during the pandemic.
Thursday – 18 March
Over half-way through the week and the great speakers keep coming.
For the Digital Transformation Summit we open with three musketeers of NHSX Sonia Patel, Simon Eccles and Natasha Phillips. We then have Views from the Top on those leading large scale change initiatives: Joe Rafferty, CEO NHS Mersey, Dan West CDIO, NI Department of Health and Richard Corbridge, CIO Boots.
One of the highlights of Rewired promises to be the 11.25am Beyond the Fairy Tale panel discussion, which features the clinical informatics leadership team at Great Ormond Street NHS Trust who will be speaking about their digital journey.
In the afternoon, the focus switches to Digital Transformation of Medicine with a fantastic programme starting at 2.15pm curated by the Royal Society of Medicine’s Digital Health Specialist Group.
With Professor Henrietta Bowden-Jones OBE, Dr Katerina Spranger, Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram, Dr Christian Guttmann all presenting in the first session alone – just block the afternoon out and meet the future of medicine.
The panel recently took part in an episode of Digital Health Unplugged to give a sneak preview of what they will be discussing at Rewired.
Engaging the public in this digital future is the theme of the closing session Building Public Trust in the Use of Health and Care Data which is focused on how sharing work with citizen juries as been carried out in London.
Friday – 19 March
Still with us? Drink an extra coffee and join us for two great final summits.
In the morning we have Health Data Research UK (HDRUK), NHSX AI Lab and the Alan Turing Institute helping us deliver a whistle-stop tour through some of the most interesting developments in AI and data in health.
The NHSX AI Lab and HDRUK sessions will both showcase some of the most interesting work they are supporting, including AI Award winners and six of HDR’s Data Hubs, followed by a series of lightning talks.
Then, in one of the must attend sessions of the week, Patient Association chief executive Rachel Power will lead a workshop on the new Patient Coalition for AI: Digital health during the pandemic: Learning lessons from patient experience.
Pitchfest Live Final
At 1.10pm we hope you’ll join us for the Pitchfest Live final.
Saving some of our best speakers until the end of the week, we round off with the New Normal Summit looking ahead to how the experience of the pandemic will inform the digital future of health and care.
Chris Hopson, CEO of NHS Providers, will open with The NHS and Digital – Where Next? followed by “The New Normal” Where might technology help? with Dr Alan Karthikesalingam, research lead at Google Health.
Expect the Unexpected, led by Dr Ursula Montgomery, will offer a series of perspectives exploring the digital future of primary care after the crisis.
We end with an open vision of the future from Jordi Piera Jiménez and the region of Catalonia, which aims to make data for life the new normal.
We hope that you’ll join us for some of these, and many other sessions, at Rewired. Join us to network with colleagues old and new and help us celebrate the best in digital health one year into the pandemic.
Get a flavour of Rewired 2021 from the video below.