NHS App to be used as Covid-19 passport from May 17

  • 7 May 2021
NHS App to be used as Covid-19 passport from May 17

Those wanting to travel overseas will be able to use their NHS App as a Covid-19 passport from 17 May, the transport secretary has announced.

In a coronavirus briefing today (7 May), Grant Shapps confirmed people would be able to access their vaccination status through the app when international travel is allowed later this month.

Announcing the 12 countries that will be on the UK’s ‘green’ travel list, which won’t require quarantine on return, Shapps added he was working with international partners to ensure digital Covid-19 passports were recognised globally.

Last week it was revealed the government intended to use the NHS App as a digital Covid-19 passport, with other options being considered for those without a smart phone.

Speaking to Sky News Shapps said the app would be used to prove travellers had had their Covid-19 vaccination, or a recent negative test.

Following the interview a government spokesperson confirmed: “The government is working on providing individuals with the means to demonstrate their Covid status easily – through a digital route as well as a route for people who don’t have access to a smart phone.

“Security and privacy will be at the core of our approach. Use of the NHS App is being considered as part of the digital route.”

The NHS App allows users to access a range of NHS services on their smartphone or tablet. It was launched in 2018 and offers services including symptom checking and triage; appointment booking; repeat prescription ordering; access to patient records; national data opt-out; and organ donation preference.

Users can already check their vaccination status through the app if permitted by their GP. This applies to all vaccines.

Since September 2019, the number of registered NHS App users has risen from 91,000 to over 220,000, according to NHS Digital. The NHS App is separate from the NHS Covid-19 app which was designed specifically as a contact-tracing app.

People will still be required to “check-in” to venues using the QR code scanner on the NHS Covid-19 app, as well as using it to check symptoms and enter test results.

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  • Hi can anyone alright regarding the comments below re being allowed in if having had covid and needing a medical certificate staying this , as all I received was email confirming positive after my test is this enough ?

    – Vaccination certificate issued by an appropriate body in the traveler’s country of origin.

    – Instead of a vaccination certificate, travelers are required to show a negative PCR test conducted up to 72 hours before traveling.

    – Alternatively, the traveler can show a certificate of recovery from the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection issued by a public authority or a certified laboratory or a certificate of a positive PCR molecular test result, confirming that the holder recovered from the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, performed at least 2 months before arrival and no later than 9 months before arrival.

    B. All visitors must complete the electronic PLF document at least 24 hours before traveling.

  • I have got 2nd covid vaccinated. I want to have a Digital Health passport Covid -19 vaccinated. Because I want to show the airport.


  • Help! If you have to show your vaccine certificate which is in my married name but im travelling in my maiden name as my passport is in my maiden name how will that work as my certificate is in my married name

    • Not to sure on that one.Although slot of women, do like to be known by there Maiden name.119,May be able to help.

      • Did you find out as I am in the same position

      • Have this problem too . Got the GP to change my surname but unable to change it on NHS record . NHS say they can’t help and GP are not helpful either .

        • Don’t really know,What else to suggest. Must be able to change somehow.

          • Yes hard to believe I can’t get this done . Have spent 4 weeks with emails and calls . Might try moving to another GP and see if they could help .

        • Could be good idea Win.Would you be kind enough to let me know how you get on.I have similar issue with my wife.

          • I will indeed . The NHS said I was to tell the GP to use spine to synch the details. Didn’t get anyplace with that .☹️

          • Typical that Win.All the Best. ????

      • Hi
        Well I spoke to 119 travel section, they can’t change my name on vaccine records as my married name is the name I use for doctors, tax and everything apart from my passport still I. My married name.
        So my only option is to now re-new and update my passport to my married name.
        I have 2 holidays booked, June with British Airways and December with Virgin.
        British Airways were fab, did it over the phone as a Name Correction and no charge.
        Virgin can do it free of charge but I have had to email them with photos of my marriage certificate and my current passport in maiden name. I have also sent them a photo of driving licence in married name which has the same photo as passport and my covid records in married name. Hopefully they will amend without any further issues.
        Next job get passport renewal/name change form and habit fast tracked as needs to be back before 7th August!
        Good luck but if you explain to holiday companies the situation they should be ok and do the change.
        Let me k ow how you get on x

        • Excellent Anne,Well done.Ill try that and I will let you know what happens. Thank you very much for update.x

        • If that is the case I suppose there will be many more like you in same predicament.
          More expense because of the app if you need to change passport which at moment I think £75.50 minimum and then cost to fast track etc, and then however many years you had left on your passport you’ll lose as they won’t add those years onto your new passport.
          The government have caused this but will you get a refund on old passport because off it, IMO you should but I doubt very much.
          Anyway hope it all works out.

        • I have just renewed my passport (because I had less than 6 months left on it). I was worried because it said it could take 10 weeks, and my holiday was 9 weeks away. I chanced it, and it came back within 3 weeks!

      • I had this problem before covid I spent 28 pounds to change my name by depoll then paid to send off my passport bank driving licence .took it into the doctors who changed it straight away ext .hope this helps

        • Thank you for that advice Kristina. Much appreciated.

      • I’ve just rang 119 and the agent spoke to their team leader who said as passport & vaccine certificate are in different names you will be considered different people ?? ???? .. it must affect a lot of people – let me know if u find a solution

        • Hi Susie.The only real solution is to get Passport changed back to your Maiden name.Explain to passport office, the situation. They may have alternative solution.

      • I would suggest you bring a copy of your marriage certificate to prove you are the same person

        • I spoke to passport people they weee not helpful explained they only deal with paaaort queries relating to obtaining one ! Also spoke to doctors they can’t change name back to maiden name without change of name confirmation back to maiden name!!

    • I had this problem before covid I spent 28 pounds to change my name by depoll then paid to send off my passport bank driving licence e ext .hope this helps

    • the same with your driving licence. once you change your name (get married etc) it’s compulsory to update your documents.
      in other words your maiden name passport is invalid and you can’t use it for travel.

      BTW if you not change your name or address on driving licence you will get fine from th epolice

  • My wife had her two Pfizer vaccines in France, because she was visiting her mum there and her mum’s retirement home had spare doses. How can she get this added to her NHS record so it appears in the App?

    • Did she get a cert from the FR authority giving these out. If yes, contact you GP, show certificate, as they have the facility to upload these onto your personal NHS records. Otherwise no cert then no proof.

      • Great, yes. Certificate no problem. Let’s see if the GP can really add this. Will give it a go.

        • I am a Practice Nurse and yes through GP but it’s the PN job to do the immunisation program and they will update your record

          • Thank you Gillian.

    • What does the 2D barcode mean

      • Me and my wife have had both doses how do we get the passport downloaded

      • I would like to know about 2D barcode expiration too. For me the expiry date is exactly 21days after my 2nd dose i have noticed

    • To Me, please check your information. It is NOT illegal to continue to use your maiden name on a passport, or anywhere as some women CHOOSE to KEEP their maiden names. Get your facts straight ????

      • Hi Anne Marie.Your info is correct. My Brother in law. Is with GMP.And confirm what you say. Best wishes.

  • My parents are going on holiday but don’t have phones with data on them… they have the type you pay as you go that can only make calls and send texts and they are worried now about how they will be able to show their vaccination status ?

    • RING 119They will send paper type

    • Ring 119 and get a paper certificate.Dont know if they’re asking for these yet.

      • You can either call 119 and ask for a paper certificate, or use the NHS App to download a .PDF [and print out if you like] a paper copy of your certificate.

        More help here on downloading, registering and using the NHS App COVID-19 vaccine passport:

  • If you have have to show your vaccine certificate which is in my married name but im travelling in my maiden name as my passport is in my maiden name how will that work as my certificate is in my married name

  • I had both doses and both are shown on the app. However when I scan the QR code, I get a message saying that no usable data was found. Is it meant to be scanned through a specific application, or am I missing something?

    • Did you get your qr code working? Having the same issue

      • In the app text has now been changed to say “ 2D barcode expiration date”.

    • Hi I am wandering this too have you recieved an answer

    • Hi, When I scan the QR code, I can’t see anything but random letters and numbers. Which QR reader app do you use? Thanks

      • Im having the same problem of no usable data found, anyone ideas??

    • Travel with your marriage cert.

  • I had two doses and both are shown on the app. However when I scan the QR code, I get a message that no usable data is found. Is is meant to be scanned through a specific application, or am I missing something?

  • I’ve got the app but when I look at the qr code it’s only showing one vaccination although I’ve had 2 , last one in March, anybody else had this problem and any ideas what I should do. I’ve phoned the 119 number but they’re basically just the ‘app people’ can’t update records?

    • Hi Denise.Your Gp should be able to help.If you have had both,It should be on your medical records.

    • mine is doing the same denise, only showing the first dose date! and not the second?? did you find a solution? x

  • Having read all the comments I am still not clear about this expiry date of 20th June. I have just printed off the vaccine proof documents for myself and my husband and put them away with our passports. Is anybody clearer about whether / how we need to keep updating them. Like paper copies as fallback in case phones not working at airport. Have just advised some friends to print off theirs as they are travelling to visit family at the end of June but am now worried they might not be valid.

    • A QR code is either permanent / “enduring” or time limited with an expiration / renewal date. Whilst the app will always show the current QR code, a printed PDF is only as good as the date it is printed and may not reflect the latest code on the app.

      The question is why would the NHS App need to change the QR Code that provides a link to an individual’s covid vaccination record. My understanding is that the UK will be linking the NHS App COVID-19 Vaccination record with the proposed EU Gateway that will validate the EU Digital Green Certificate.

      In June the EU is introducing Digital Green Certificate to facilitate safe free movement inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Digital Green Certificate will cover three types of certificates –vaccination certificates, test certificates (NAAT/RT-PCR test or a rapid antigen test), and certificates for persons who have recovered from COVID-19.

      The Digital Green Certificate will include a QR code to ensure security and authenticity of the certificate and the scheme includes a gateway so that Member States authorities can use to verify all certificate signatures across the EU.

      The UK government will want the EU gateway to recognise the UK NHS QR code.

      The EU Gateway is due to launch 21st June, and whilst the NHS App QR codes may be updated for acceptance by the gateway, any previously printed PDFs may have a QR code that will not be accepted by the EU gateway. Hence the need to ensure the PDF is downloaded and reprinted after the 20th June Expiration Date.

      This is email from NHS Digital……..

      Thank you for your email.

      The expiration date is for the QR code, to ensure it expires for security reasons, and to enable destination countries to validate the digital signature they contain.

      You should download fresh QR codes before you travel to ensure they remain up to date.

      For further queries about the NHS App, please contact our NHS App Team directly via the link below


      Kind Regards,

      Contact Centre Team

      NHS Digital


      • Great post John and interesting IMO but reading through it all and if it’s all correct then my take on it is that the Covid 19 travel status from the NHS app until late June is worth nothing I may well as just print a copy of it and go upstairs and wipe my a%@e on it.

        I’m booked for 15th June, I’ll change my flight until I’m clearer about what it all really means because IMO up to now the apps a farce until all the government’s agree as to what’s going to be acceptable data to enter other countries.

        What the NHS or government say though I’m out on that one when they can’t even stand up and tell us what the expiration date means.

        • My nhs vaccination record bar code expires on June 20…..do I have to get another .

          • No Dennis. You should see it update,After that time.

      • Hi, It’s almost perfect. Except I could get a vaccination card from my country, if I prove, that I’ve got two jabs. But if this QR code expiration is misinterpreted, they might think that the whole document is valid only until 20 June. I plan a travel few days after. Now what? (rhetorical question)

      • Same mine expires on 2D barcode expiration date: 20 June 2021

        Must be a reason

    • Its the date of the validity date of the QR code. You have to download a new cert (not a new vaccination) nearer the time of the trip. It would then have a new valid date. This is according to the NHS app designers. I emailed them.

      • Any idea how you download a new QR code? If the QR code expires, what “requalification” evidence do you need for a new QR code? If none needed then why the expiry?

        • Steve, you do not download a new QR Code. That will always be up to date on the NHS App, and refreshed automatically on the stated expiry date.

          However, if you previously selected the option on the app to download the PDF Copy, or the option to received an offline copy by email, then that copy will be out of date post the expiry date. Therefore you will need to reselect the option to “Download PDF Copy” or “Receive an offline copy by email”

  • Easier just to phone 119 and get paper confirmation of your vaccines.

    • I have tried twice to get through on 119 and was told to press the option for vaccination status which I cannot find. Having waited over 25 minutes on each call , I have got a bit depleted!! How did you manage to get yours please?

      • Have not done it yet but have heard from others who have.sounds like I’m gonna need a lot of time and patience.airlines not asking for this yet either.testing still required.

    • Dear Terrance
      Thank you for your email.
      The expiration date is for the QR code, to ensure it expires for security reasons, and to enable destination countries to validate the digital signature they contain.

      You should download a fresh QR code before you travel to ensure it remains up to date.

      For further queries about the NHS App, please contact our NHS App Team directly via the link below
      Kind Regards,
      Contact Centre Team
      NHS Digital

      • Terrence, I’ve been questioning the NHS covid 19 travel status since Monday the 17th June with regards the expiration date and received an email back saying I had been reassigned and given a new URID number ref number.

        As of now 22nd May no answer for a simple Q as to what the Expiration date really means.
        Seems to me my queries just been thrown in the too difficult I don’t know tray and thrown in a cupboard.

        If the NHS don’t really know what the expiration date really means or are awaiting to see what other countries will allow for travel and entry into them and what information they want why just not remove the expiration date from the app and stop this confusion for the many thousands of people asking same question.

        • 17th May sorry.

      • 17th May Trevor.

    • Paper copies will come in hand to many, it’s okay and great when you have a smartphone but when you lose it or gets stolen or batteries die on you a paper copy will be handy to have.
      It’s the same in countries that allow a paper copy of your passport as ID how many people lose their passport because their carrying them around with them.

  • As my passport is in my maiden name, so when I booked flights for later this year they were in my maiden name. My problem is that the NHS app is in my married name – the airline wont allow name changes and therefore I need to know if I will be able to show my NHS app to prove I have had both jabs, even though they are in different names?

    • Hi carol.Would you be kind enough to let me know how you get on,Or what happens. May have similar problem with my wife.Many thanks.

      • Hi could you please update how you got on as my situation is the same

      • Please keep us updated, same situation x

  • I have requested a letter which should be here within 5 days, simply telephoned 119.
    No travel date requested and can be used for multiple journeys.

    • Will do 🙂

      • Hi my passport is in my maiden name my jab is in my married name can I get a letter from my gp to authenticate it’s me

  • I’m beginning to think it is actually like a sell by date that the vaccine has to be used by.
    Although I can’t work out why they would have to put it on there?
    I’m no expert, so just throwing that in there.
    Feel free to tell me how wrong I am

    • I think you could be right June, it seems to me just the sort of anomaly-type info that crops up with these apps and things I’ve got to say, I am itching to find out ???? no doubt something will crop up about it in the media soon! (I resist ringing the info/help line, even if there was or is one, I haven’t got the time nor patience to persevere with that

    • I came across an American website and the same question was being asked about the Epiration Date. The general answer was it’s the ‘use by” date of the vaccine. Still need clarifying for us or just remove it.

  • I’ve had both vaccines but the app only showing the first. Who do I contact.

    • I rang 119 who advise that the certificate has an expiry date which will be renewed automatically each week. So we shall have to wait and see ! Not 100% sure that they really knew the answer themselves !

    • Ahhh that’s interesting but I haven’t come across anyone with a different date and presumably all of the vaccine ever made, was made in the same time frame??

    • I have the same problem, I’ve tried 119 and my go but no one seems to know what to do!

    • I spoke to 119 last night they said wait for 5 days after your second jab if it doesnt go on contact your gp and they can update it

    • I don’t think we all had our vaccine on the same date Eric so that really don’t wash as the same expiry date 20th June is the date most are mentioning.
      I wouldn’t believe the yanks anyway if they told me the world was round.

  • Can anyone tell me what the expiry date , on the digital vaccination record , relates to ?
    My vaccination details are correct but it shows an expiry date of 21st June 2021 ???
    Many thanks

    • By the way my record show the expiry date as 20/6 not 21/6 as I previously said !

    • Sorry meant were NOT made in the same time frame?

  • I have noticed that this mysterious June 20th expiration date is the same for everyone that’s commented here. It can’t be we all had the vaccination at the same time so why is it?

    • I think it may have something
      to do with lifting of all restrictions.

      • Check your record today ? Is it now showing expiry date 21/6/21 ?

        Perhaps it’s only valid for a month at a time ?

      • Hugh, do you have any definitive information yet about what the ‘expiry date’ of the 21st June …means? ( it seems that uniform date is contained within all our vaccine confirmation details?

        • All I know Janet,is all restrictions to be lifted by 21 june.This is according to Boris.

          • I don’t mean to be awkward as you are being really helpful Hugh ( and after all I suppose we just don’t know what the expiry date means) but if it is related to all restrictions being lifted on 21/22 June, we could interpret that as if these proof of vaccines won’t be needed anymore ? after that date
            Time will tell us I suppose

          • I don’t mean to be awkward as you are being really helpful Hugh ( and after all I suppose we just don’t know what the expiry date means) but if it is related to all restrictions being lifted on 21/22 June, we could interpret that as if these proof of vaccines won’t be needed anymore ? after that date which I’m sure is not so lol!!
            Time will tell us I suppose

        • No problem at all Janet.I think just a matter, of wait and see. I’m hoping to go away in july,so that date will need to change. Take care.

        • Mine is still frozen to 20/6/21.

        • Both me and sister have had both vaccinations at different times and mine was AZ and sisters Phizer. Both our records show baroda expires 21/06/2021. Very confusing!

    • There was a Query about the App button, I wrote to ask, and IMMEDIATELY got the following back. They hadn’t had time to read what I said.

      “My detailed COVID-19 vaccination information on the NHS App/NHS website is showing an expiry date.

      No. The expiry date relates only to the QR code, which may need to be updated as international standards are agreed. The QR codes will automatically update when they expire, and anyone using the PDF option via the NHS website will be able to retrieve the new QR Code for use after the expiry date.

      The UK Government is contributing to the emerging international standards and the expiry date is only for the QR code, which will be refreshed automatically in the NHS App and on the NHS website when these standards are agreed.”

      So that is explained. They could have explained it on the App itself, I feel. If they had an automated reply, it is because they are getting loads of queries!

        • Oh yea!… Just perfect. This is their way to keep us under control when they start boostering us with a new dose every next month at future. It wouldn’t get end and will last for ever. Good way for pharmacological business to make more money. Congratulations.

      • So Hugh at first when the covid travel status went live it only said expiration 20 June 2021 then I think 2 days ago 2D Barcode was added to expiration date.

        It’s seems to me that as of now the NHS or government seem reluctant to stand up and explain to thousands what the expiration date really means or they just don’t know what it means so are just going to keep confusing people because of their pig headedness after the track and trace farce.
        Don’t want anymore egg on their faces.

        Oh well the app might get me into a pub in Blackpool rather than a bar in Spain.
        It’s fine people giving their thoughts and answers on boards/ topics like this, what really boils my head is the ignorance from the NHS or government to answer the Question as to w hat the expiration date really means.
        If they don’t know what it really means why did they put it there in the first place.

        See you all in Blackpool…

  • My problem is that I do get to the qr code but it takes a while to get there as yo need to put in email and password first. Is that right.?

    • Hi Elanor.Have you NHSapp on your phone?If not you need it,then just register.

      • Yeah.have the relevant details of my covid vaccinations and have downloaded the scanner but once off I need to start again with my email address and password to get it again.not too quick at it so would have to have it ready when needed. Probably optimistic as I’m going nowhere any time soon.

  • My covid certificate on the NHS app has the wrong second dose recorded. I had BOTH vaccines as Phizer. 1st on Jan 10th, second on 1st march but says it was Astrazenica…this is not correct. How can I report it/get it corrected please??

    • Hi Victoria. Contact your g.p They should correct it.

      • I’ve downloaded the app and scanned my ID in but I can’t get the video but to work – any suggestions please ?

        • Hi Maggie. If youhave got scan up,Its working.Officials just scan there devices on it

  • I have the NHS app and have downloaded my vaccination records along with the QR code but when I scan the code with my Iphone X I get a message on my phone telling me no usable data found

    • Good morning Michael .How do you get Qr code?I have records,but cannot see where code download is.Thank you

    • I have today seen my QR code but it has a expiry date of 20th June 2021, what happens after that date is reached

      • Mine the same Barry.Would imagine it updates after that time.

    • I did Hugh, they didnt have a clue. They said I should just go down to the vaccination centre ‘the centre for life’ where I had it done and speak to someone there. Not very helpful is it haha

      • Not very helpful at all.just the sake of pushing few buttons.????

      • The GP practice cannot amend your vaccination record as they didn’t vaccinate you (even if it was at your practice); it’s the vaccination service that administered the vaccine that has to make any amendments. Hope that helps to explain.

  • Spoke to my doctor this morning and found out that the Novavax Vaccine will be included on the NHS App over the next few weeks which is good news for myself and the other participants.

    • Hugh, from the NHS app (not the NHS Covid app) you link to your GP surgery where your digital records are kept and download your vaccination records

      • Many thanks Michael.????

  • My vacines were able to see from the app minutes after injection, now it just more straight to access vacation status!!

  • I am one of the 15,000 people in the UK who have been part of the Novavax 2019nCoV-302 clinical research study in the UK.
    At this point I definitely know that I have had two doses of the vaccine.
    The efficacy of Novavax appears to be very high, but it is still waiting for approval by MHRA.
    Novavax have produced their own paper certification of vaccination which I received 3 weeks ago. However, I suspect that this will not be accepted on the NHS App.
    So my question is, will I have to have further injections with one of the alternative vaccines in order to prove my vaccination?

  • I rang my Doctors surgery only to be told they were not planning to download data to the app ‘for months yet’. What is the truth here?

    • Hi Malcolm. Have you signed up to Patient Access?You should be able to download of there.

    • Checked my NHS app this morning 15 May 2021 and found I can now see the record of my Covid Vaccinations. Didn’t have to contact my Doctors or anything. Last time I checked was a few days ago when I couldn’t see that information so something has changed.

  • Did you still need tested for covid,Although you have NHS app?

  • How can we download the verticals of having had both vaccines from the NHS app? I can see the record of vaccination but no option to do download and print, will there be an option. For people who have a smart phone this will be a better option rather than calling 119 who I am sure will be busy with calls .

    • I rang my Doctors surgery only to be told they were not planning to download data to the app ‘for months yet’. What is the truth here?

      • I can access the info of my 2 vaccines on my phone but it takes a few minutes. Any faster way ?

    • I believe you can still carry the virus, even if vaccinated.
      So in certain circumstances yes you could Ned a retest.

  • You will still need a pcr test to go away

  • Wonderful to be able to have tangent proof of vaccination. However the sting is in the tail as always.
    ie; the cost of testing before and after travel.
    The cost of testing kits is pence,not pounds.
    For heavens sake stop being part of the rip off culture.
    It can only deter people from travelling, and further
    damage the travel industry.

  • How does someone who has not got a smart mobile phone or a mobile get proof they have had 2 vaccines

    • I want to know that too Pamela – the app doesn’t work on my phone and I do not wish to waste money replacing something which is working fine.

      • After 17th May you can call 119 to request a paper certificate is posted to you.

        • After 17th May you can call 119 to request a paper certificate no sooner than 5 days after your second vaccination. The certificate takes up to 5 days to arrive

    • Other options are still being considered for those without a smart phone

    • Phone 119 and you can get a paper copy

  • Why can’t I download the NHS/Covid App on my iphone 6 or ipad – It is discriminatory to require an up to the minute phone to do so . As a pensioner who rarely uses a phone apart from emergencies and apps like this (if they were available). How do I get a covid passport.

    • The app works just fine on an SE or 6S but earlier iPhones which no longer get IOS updates cannot be used. However you can buy a new Android phone for around £100.

      • I know that but why do I need to buy a new phone when there is nothing wrong with my present one – £100 may not be a lot to some people but it is to many, myself included. I am sick of having to fill in pieces of paper because I do not have a QR code.

        • There is something wrong with it, it’s too antiquated to run the service, simple as that.

          • After 17th May you can call 119 to request a paper certificate no sooner than 5 days after your second vaccination. The certificate takes up to 5 days to arrive

        • Oh yes well not everyone can afford that ok.

  • Why can’t I download the NHS on my iphone 6 or ipad – It is discriminatory to require an up to the minute phone to do so . As a pensioner who rarely uses a phone apart from emergencies and apps like this (if they were available). How do I get a covid passport.

    • If you can’t afford a basic smart phone for about £40 off the internet then you probably shouldn’t be travelling. How are you going to deal with the added costs of tests?

      • Good example of the kind of intolerance that makes this country so divided. We’re not like you, so we have no rights. Thank you. Why not just cull people who aren’t tech-savvy? Some of aren’t being cheap; we’re fazed by this stuff & afraid of an internet full of nasty comments. Yes, I know, I should be culled as well.

        • I have just bought a new smart phone for this purpose, but I do not think you had to be so very rude to the pensioner Angela. Remember you will be a pensioner one day, unless you’re are one now, but is seems to me you are a miserable so and so

      • Who are you to tell people should or shouldn’t travel??
        £40 worth of smart phone can only bring people to your level of understanding !!

    • As we only have one phone can we both get passport vaccination data

    • Thanks very much for the information, which is a great relief to those without all the technology. I’m frazzled from trying to get straight answers, so thanks for giving one.

    • Can 2 people download Covid app on the same phone?

  • Great news to be able to show proof of vaccine some people say that they have the right to refuse it but we who are vaccinated have the right not to mix with them

    • vaccine passport great news….teasting at airports good…BUT why is the cost of testing.going to be so high???? wont supply and demand for holidays cost more without being held to ransom by having to pay hundreds of pounds for testing kits that cost pennies…..its called “DAYLIGHT ROBBERY”and “DEMANDING MONEY WITH MENACE”……NO TEST NO HOLIDAY!!!!!!!

    • But if you are vaccinated surely you are protected against those who aren’t and therefore it shouldn’t matter?

  • We travel frequently and a health passport would be beneficial in securing identity of a secure vaccine for the Covid-19 vaccination!

  • I am fully vaccinated now with the covid 19 vaccines

  • That’s the wrong graphic, it’s going to be on the ‘other’ NHS App.

    If any patients hit this page looking for help downloading the NHS App to get a COVID19 Vaccine Passport, I’ve created a page here with loads of help and advice, videos etc.


    • Thank you, some really useful stuff on your link. Much appreciated.

    • Thank you, Digital Health Coach, for this crystal clear information.

      Do you think you could persuade the NHS to put this link to this information on their website?

      Having searched through their website, I was left with the impression that I would have to buy a new iPhone, if I wanted to receive proof of Covid 19 vaccination on my phone.

      Thank you, again.

  • About time and free

  • Not Brits but only English people. Get your reporting correct!!!

    • lol idiots they think we all a country, you think scotland wales or ireland will??? doubtful… yea i would defo look to get a better reporter, class comment top marks

      dont think people realise its different laws in other country’s too not to mention

      This should stated English NHS patients only!!!!

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