
Sajid Javid stands down from £150k AI advisory role

Sajid Javid was receiving £151,835 per annum from for 80-96 hours work annually, working out to roughly £1,500 per
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Digital Health Networks: Javid must not kick digital ‘into the long grass’

Dr James Reed, chair of the Digital Health CCIO Network, warned new health secretary Sajid Javid against making “change for
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ReStart and Better partner up to improve data interoperability in the NHS

Restart is to supply interoperability services to Better’s digital health platform, aiming to simplify and accelerate digitalisation across the NHS.
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Rationale of GPDPR is there but trust issues need to be addressed

Digital Health News spoke to Dr Natalie Banner, Understanding Patient Data lead about GPDPR and what needs to happen next.
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Digital Health Unplugged: Health tech through the Rainbow lens

In the latest episode of Digital Health Unplugged we take a look at Queertech and why it's needed in the
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