Online Covid-19 passports go live in Wales from today

  • 25 June 2021
Online Covid-19 passports go live in Wales from today

People in Wales can now access their Covid-19 vaccination passport online from today.

The NHS Covid pass, which is also available in England, allows people to prove they’ve had both jabs when travelling abroad.

Those living in Wales who are over 16 and have had both vaccinations can access their Covid passport from 25 June.

The Welsh government is recommending digital Covid passports over a paper version and can be shown on smartphones, tablets or laptops.

Access to an NHS Covid pass requires an NHS login to ensure secure access through the NHS website. Once registered and logged in, a user can view their vaccination status and print the pass as a PDF document.

The Covid passport will also include a 2D barcode with an expiry date for security purposes. The barcode will be automatically updated when the expiry date is reached, the expiry does not relate to the Covid passport.

Those who do not have online access can request a paper version of their passport be sent to them. This can be done five days after receiving the second jab.

Matthew Gould, chief executive of NHSX, said: “After weeks of hard work and close collaboration by teams in the UK Government and Wales, I’m delighted the NHS Covid Pass service is now available to Welsh citizens.

“The service is designed to ensure both English and Welsh citizens can demonstrate their vaccination status quickly and easily for international travel.”

People who live in Wales but are registered with a GP in England may have to download the NHS App to access their Covid-19 passport. A statement from the Welsh government confirmed it “may not have access to your vaccination record” if a person is registered in England.

Government guidance states those travelling abroad will still need to adhere to the requirements of the country they are visiting, meaning a Covid passport is not a guarantee on skipping quarantine.

You can register for an online Covid pass here.

Covid passports in England

Covid passports have been available in England through the NHS App since 17 May.

The NHS App already allows users to access a range of NHS services on their smartphone or tablet, including vaccination records.

Users can check their vaccination status through the app if permitted by their GP. This applies to all vaccines.

Since the government announced it would be used to access Covid passports more than six million people have downloaded the app.

The government is recommending people register with the NHS App before booking overseas travel.

To use the app you must be registered with a GP in England. The government is recommending people register with the app before booking international travel and at least two weeks before the departure date.

Currently, the Covid-19 passport can only be used once a person has had a full course of vaccinations – that means both jabs.

The NHS App is separate from the NHS Covid-19 app which was designed specifically as a contact-tracing app.

You can find out more about Covid passports and how they work in our explainer here.

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  • hopeless – Britain at the forefront of IT and healthcare yet again …

    • Hi Tom to be fair once they sent me the correct link it all worked fine
      Pity it took 4 days to sort it
      Andy R

  • I’m useless with IT but found it easy to access my covid passport online. The details confirm the 2D barcode on the digital passport is updated automatically every month so that’s it..Job done. Well done Wales ❤️

    • If I was you buy a ticket for the Euro lottery tonight because your having alot more luck than me with this crap app
      Tried again this morning and it still won’t recognise my Doctors surgery in Wales
      So for it’s as much use as a chocolate fire guard

  • There is no such thing as an NHS Covid Pass on Google Play Store, only things available is NHS APP, if you sign up and try to log in with it, just comes up with an error and says you can’t use it and any emergencies contact 111 or use My Health Online. There is no way of getting a digital covid vaccination certificate/statement if you live in Wales. It HAS to be requested over phone.

    • Sorry but this is incorrect, I live in Wales and was able to get proof of vaccination via a digital pass downloaded from a pdf

      • Well I can’t, first it stated my GP was not on the App now I can’t even get into the app without an error. There is also no NHS Covid Pass app, only the COVIX 19 which is Track and Trace and you can’t request the digital certificate through a website. You’re lucky if you managed to get it, I had to wait over a week for it to arrive after speaking to an advisor

    • I have spent days looking for the correct website to request digital certification and FINALLY found it with no help from NHS website and news forums. For anyone unable to use the app and hyperlinks not working in article, the URL is:

  • SIMPLE. Ring 0333 303 5667. Wait a while Then Only asked to give, NAME, D.O.B, & Address. “JOB DONE “Confirmation Letter with all details, received within 10 Days.

    • Hi , can you tell me how long is this letter valid for , I managed to get the digital code and was told it’s updated everytime you log in , which is once a month apparently

      • Hi Christine, I don’t have regular access to a computer so won’t be logging in. Sorry, I don’t have the letter at present to hand to check its shelf life.

        • .I’ve been trying for 2 weeks and the it is crap simply it doesn’t work,,,,!!!!!

      • I ordered a letter on Tuesday and it arrived today. So doesn’t take long to arrive. Also there is no sign of an expiry date on the letter.

      • Hi John, this only works if you have had BOTH doses in wales. They will not issue the travel letter if you’ve had one in England or vice versa, I have called them multiple times snd they have told me there is nothing they can do as on their system (in their eyes) I have only had my first dose, even tho I’ve had my second in England.

  • What a load of b…..ks !!!!!!! 5 hours wasted why cant we have an app where we can put our NHS number in and get on with our lives something less complicated than this system that does not work
    why is Wales always behind everybody else in the world WAKE UP WALES!

    • The plan is obviously to prevent us travelling at all. I’m not allowed to save the barcode as a pdf or send by email (to print) and so called the 119 helpline but the respondent said he didn’t know the answer as I was calling a foreign helpline. I called another helpline to request a paper version which takes from 14 working days. Just don’t bother travelling. You have to buy a pre flight test kit for £80 plus a CMT double test kit for when you’re home in Wales costing £170. But their application form doesn’t work. It assumes Wales is in Scotland, as did the man I spoke to on the phone. Couldn’t make it up! Applied for and FOI as to how CTM got this contract from the Welsh Government. PS don’t buy from Tui. They tried to sell me an amber country – they insisted it was green. Pants on fire.

    • Have now tried 5 times to obtain MY vaccination status, both registered with a Welsh GP and had x 2 injections in Wales. Wasted 4 + hours. The info. and apps just send you round in circles. Surely ther must be a simpler method

      • Do not use the nhs ap , instead google covid vaccination proof Wales , this will take you to the correct link , I live in Wales and that’s what I did and it worked .

    • I have uploaded 5 versions of my passport.None acceptable due to glare
      The finish prevents you from taking a decent photo.
      A photocopy also rejected.Last try will be scanning a copy.
      Then I will give up.!!!

  • I have the Covid pass ,vaccinated in Wales,on my phone but when I check the bar code with another device,the QR is recognised as such but says no data showing,Help

  • Hiya! Can anyone confirm if I should be seeing proof of my first dose in the Welsh web app even if I haven’t had my 2nd one yet? Thanks x

    • Mine say no usable data found, beginning to worry may have to apply for the letter, This system is absolute junk.

  • After spending 30 minutes inputting data, photo IID evidence, facial scanning etc, etc, all confirmed BUT… same issue as hundreds of other people in Wales ???????????????????????????? GP surgery not registered… what a waste of time! How is it people in England do not seem to be having this issue? Come on Wales, we need to keep up!

    • You need to not use the NHS ap, instead google Covid Vaccine proof Wales and you will get the link , if you have registered and got a password it will work, after several attempts that’s what I did and managed to get the pass , I also did my husband’s the next day and it was easier as it had changed the face scan to a video , good luck

      • I’m in same awful situation. Live in Wales but vaccinated in England. Exhausted a whole day on the phone and everyone passes the buck to someone else. I can access the passport but only one vaccination is shown despite having both. Nobody I speak to seems to have access to the records to correct them. Why can we not have a UK system which holds all records. What do I do as I cannot travel oversaes without the full records.

        • I am in the exact same position. It has been an absolute nightmare. Live in England but vaccinated in wales. I have spoken to Atleast 10 different sources all of whom point me back to my GP, who has categorically advised they cannot amend or update any vaccination details. I am due to travel in 4 weeks and still no proof of my vaccinations even tho I have had both.

          • I have been told by one of the Welsh health authorities that Welsh vaccines will be updated on the English system Monday 12 July.

          • Please let me know if you have any luck with this, I’m in exactly the same position. Got my 2nd jab in Wales at the weekend and it’s not on my record ????

          • Hi don’t suppose you’ve had any joy yet, I was vaccinated in Wales but gp in England and still can’t get mine up to view ????????‍♀️

          • Have you had any joy my we are in the same boat one jab in England and one in wales and going away 12 august

          • Hi all, still no luck a week on. I keep checking daily but it doesn’t seem as tho the two countries are communicating. No point in calling 119 for England or 0333 303 5667 for wales, nobody knows and they keep passing you around. Nightmare.

        • Tried that – no link provided.

        • Thank you so much for letting us know about this. I, like others had hit a brick wall with regard to obtaining passes. Phew! I now have the necessaries

    • Don’t use the app. Go online and download it then email it to yourself. Open it on your phone and then save the file. That’s what I’ve done.

      • I’ve had my jabs in Wales (work for the NHS there) but live in England. It’s such a palaver as systems don’t talk. I go away next week and have had to book a Covid test! Which is frustrating as I’m fully vaccinated!!

      • Hi Fiona, that is brilliant news. Can I ask how you know or have heard this information? If this is the case, hopefully a lot of border issues with regards to proof of vaccination between England and Wales will be resolved!

      • Please see below comment.
        Hi Fiona, that is brilliant news. Can I ask how you know or have heard this information? If this is the case, hopefully a lot of border issues with regards to proof of vaccination between England and Wales will be resolved!

        • I rang the Betsi Caswaladr Complaints team (the authority for where my daughter had her vaccine). Like yourself no doubt my daughter had made numerous calls to 119 and her GP. The lady I spoke to was very helpful and read from a communication she had been sent that said all registered vaccinations given in England should now be showing on Welsh records and that the Welsh vaccines will show on English records from 12 July. Hopefully this is correct!

          • Still not showing on my daughters records today. I rang again and was told there has been a delay. It’s just hopeless!

          • Hi Fiona, I also checked today and still cannot see me Welsh vaccine, only my second dose which I received in England. I will keep checking but I also received an email from my GP over the weekend detailing the data from wales is imminent ..

            **Cross-border dataflow in between Home Nations and England The dataflow from England to home nations (Home National Citizens only) are due to complete by end June but the data flow from home nations (English Citizens only) are still be progressed, which means the vaccination data taken in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man are not available in GP systems in England or in NIMS. Wales to England due this week.

            It’s clear they are aware there is an issue with the devolved countries, fingers crossed its resolved within the next couple weeks….

          • Oh thanks for that Amelia. It does sound as if it’s imminent then. Maybe they meant the week commencing 12 July. Let’s hope. Out of interest how did you book your second vaccine in England when your first wasn’t showing on their records?

          • I didn’t actually book my second vaccine, I was fortunate enough to know of a local site that was doing walk in ones weekend – so I took the opportunity.
            I have been trying regularly to see if my Welsh vaccination shows up on my NHS records or on the app but still no luck.
            I just hope this doesn’t carry on too much longer!

      • That didn’t work for me. Got a WebKitOb error message when I tried to save or email.

        • I hope sorted soon. I had my vaccine in England and my GP is in BCUHB and was able to access from beginning of July; so maybe I was lucky. Have to say once in, and then you pick the travel option and do registration it is very slick but of course frustrating for those whom it isnt yet connected.

  • I live in Wales but had jab in England jan and April through work. Registered with Wales app no problem but says no records found. Called England and Wales and neither are helpful advising to speak with the other side. I have no way of showing I had the jabs so I’m going to the center where I had them to see if they can help ? I don’t know what to do at all , Wales is so behind and I can’t wait to move to a gp practice so I don’t have to deal with there stupid behind the times bull

  • I live in England but have been vaccinated in Wales as I work for the NHS there. It appears that there is no way I can get a Covid certificate to prove my vaccination status. 119 can’t help and nor can the Welsh alternative. My GP has updated my health record with the info but it doesn’t pull through to NHSE. I receive weekly texts and letters inviting me for my jab… which I had months ago. We can put man on the moon but I can’t get acceptable proof that I’ve had my vaccinations! It’s bonkers!

    • You need to phone the Wales helpline on 0300 303 5667 . If you advise them that you have a holiday booked for the end of July they will order you a paper certificate of vaccination. Mine took about a week to arrive .

      • Is that so? I will phone them again. They told me yesterday it was 14 days. I’m supposed to be going in 9 days.

    • Have you had any luck in sorting this out? My daughter is in the same position as you. No one seems to be able to help and she needs to get her second vaccine booked in

  • My husband had his second jab a few weeks ago and it is not showing on his passport. We are due to go to Hampton Court which requires proof of vaccine. Now what does he do?

    • so the app still says my surgery needs to register. I rang them and they said ‘no’ I just need to go to get-nhs-covid-pass-show-your-vaccination-status-travel which does show my 2 jabs, but how do I get this on to my phone? there is a qr code but my phone cannot read it for some reason.

      • I think that the process is more straightforward niw , It took me ages the other night to do mine , the facial scan would not work to recognise my passport photo , so I needed several attempts. Have just done one for my husband and it only took 5 mins as they have changed the scan to a video which was easier to do . I also did it on my iPad which was easier to see what I was doing than a phone
        Good luck !

    • I have exactly the same issue, live in Wales but vaccinated in England as I have an English doctor. I’ve been trying to get my record sorted since after my first jab in March. I’ve got no where and everyone says it’s the responsibility of someone else. I’ve written a complaint based on GDPR and my data being incorrect. Im still getting no where but will take through to the Information Commissioner if I have to. Not sure it will resolve the issue but I’m trying. I’ve also contacted my MP.

      • Hi have you had any luck sorting this out? My daughter is in a similar position. Crazy that the two systems can’t talk to each other!

  • I have found trying to get this certificate extremely annoying, the app leaves you with nowhere to go but start all over again, the help centre does not provide the correct information required. My problem was that apparently my computer would not record a video message, you are then advised where to go to change preferences etc and the information given is not correct. Ihave tried ringing but have been left nearly 2 hours without response, the other avenues to get this certificate are equally tiresome and impossible to achieve

    • I got a reply to my complaint telling me to query my covid status with the vaccination centre where I was vaccinated but that has actually closed & I did query it when I had my 2nd vaccination. I then moved from a stage 1 complaint to a stage 2 formal one and emailed my MP and the MP where my Doctors surgery is & to give them their due both replied and mine offered to raise with the Welsh Health Board (which as I have an English doctor I don’t think would work?) Interestingly I suddenly found my record has been corrected but I don’t know whose done it or how it happened as I got another response from NHS digital telling me to go to my GP. I’m baffled who corrected it and still haven’t had a reply to my stage 2 formal complaint but as my record is correct I’m happy to leave it. I did ask for my MP & the one where my GP surgery is to raise incorrect NHS data and how to correct as an issue in parliament – the one where my GP surgery is said he’d had a few residents raise it. I have checked my record a few times as I’m not convinced it won’t disappear as I don’t know how it got fixed!

      • I was told today by the Betsi Caswaladr Complaints team that all vaccinations given in England should now be showing on Welsh records and that the Welsh vaccines will show on English records from 12 July – let’s hope!

        • Finger crossed that’s correct & I hope your daughter gets her record sorted too.

  • Problem is I was vaccinated in England but GP registered in Wales so can’t access the vaccine passport. Stuck in the middle.. ridiculous that Wales and England can’t share records

    • So was I – and it works for me

    • I keep getting an error code that isn’t shown on the help page. My surgery doesn’t even allow access to my records so I doubt they’ll sign up to this.

    • Do you know if NHS Wales are aware of these problems?

    • The process isn’t easy but I have managed to get mine using my iPad, However the NHS links wouldn’t work as it said my doctors surgery was not on the system. When I went back to the original post it worked. –

    • I have had exactly the same problems. I don’t know what is going on here? Is it a technician at the other end? I applied for my husband’s vaccination certificate first and it came through in minutes. I then tried to do mine, using exactly the same phone and process TWELVE TIMES!!! I’ve worked in tech 30 years and don’t believe the system is fit for purpose. I phoned EIGHT TIMES and was when I finally got through at 4:55 I was cut off – the message said they were closed at 5pm!! England has had its teething problems but this beggars belief. I will be calling my MP tomorrow in the hopes she can raise the issue.

  • Sorry to go on about this but can anyone confirm that this certificate will be accepted by those we are visiting as proof positive of vaccinations.

  • This certainly works fine for people living in Wales, I earlier today did the whole lot in 30 minutes from creating account to inputting all required details including photo of my photo ID driving licence and facial recognition (their end) for travel abroad before NHS replied that everything was verified their end including facial recognition.. All done on my lap top so may be easier than on a mobile phone..

    • What website did you use, app said error as I live in Wales and NHS app online says the same?

  • Well this is a joke had both jabs 2nd over a month ago and the website says I’ve only had one

    • On the post above click on “get your Covid pass here”

  • Is this passport accepted as proof of vaccination in France?

  • Be careful with this. The appropriate authority needs to sort it. Data protection. I have received som.eone else’s certificate

  • i have tried multiple times its advising not registered in Wales
    John, thats your passport you shared but its great to see a successful one!

    • Hi all. After multiple times, it has just worked. I called my son’s Welsh GP and let them know that they would need to register with the NHS, they didn’t know.
      The app itself doesn’t seem to work but if you go online it has…. Finally!

      To register go to

      Good luck

    • Tried myself with zero luck

    • I started this thread by moaning about how useless the whole system was for people living in Wales.
      The help button got prompt responses and as I noted below, eventually all my checks were approved but no contact with Welsh doctors records.
      After complaining about this, again using the ‘moan ‘ button, I was sent the link that, in my innocence I put on here and can’t get rid of. Thanks web person for not having a delete function.
      So ultimately it worked and now, as we are in France till 26/07, we hope that UK quarantine may vanish on 19/07 as ,with my UK passport to confirm I am John Webb, I have vaccination proof.
      And yes, I am that old….????????
      Happy days…..

  • Won’t work if your Welsh! Please update your article it is wrong.

    • Worked fine for me in Wales.
      It’s the sharing of email addresses that’s the issue.

      • I have done everything but no it doesn’t work. It tells me that my GP surgery is not registered

        • I finally managed to register after several attempts to scan my face , and received confirmation this morning, unfortunately when I tried to access the vaccine proof I found out that my surgery is not registered. I phoned my surgery to be told that they knew nothing about it ! So I told them that they needed to be registered as in the coming weeks / months many people are going to need the vaccine proof .

          • Mine said that so I went back to the link and logged in again and it worked?

      • Can you confirm exactly which app it is as there seems to be a few and none work for Wales. Thanks.

        • Same happened to me, if you follow the link in this post above it works fine?

  • Try again…Mel..I realised that a while ago that it was open to the world and his dog even though encrypted. I have tried to remove it but…????

  • I know Mel. I hadn’t realised, as the site said it was encrypted , it would be open to all and sundry…..I trued to delete it but can’t ????

  • John the link you provided is your passport !!

  • The Welsh site worked well for me, but my wife cannot access it because we share the same email address. Any ideas?

  • Should we wait for the issues to be sorted?
    Will this lead to being able to access the app?


  • I received both shots in Wales as a front line worker . I am registered with a GP in England and cannot obtain my Covid Pass on the NHS app . Obviously NHS Wales and England cannot communicate to sort this out . My English GP did not even know that I had been vaccinated until I showed them the vaccination card . I have phoned to obtain a paper certificate for travel at the end of July , which is in the process of being done . The only way around this that I can see is to have the vaccination course again . Another example of unjoined up thinking by the NHS, although they have done remarkably well in getting us all vaccinated.

  • Typical politician speak. ‘Weeks of hard work …..’ whilst sort of forgetting to tell Doctor’s Practices to sign up for it.
    Has anyone actually got this app to work….??

    • Yes but it is a long winded affair
      You will need several things for this
      Smart Phone
      Email address
      name date of birth and address
      get the NHS app and create a log in
      Then go to the Welsh gov web covid passport site
      you will log in to the NHS app from there
      Then follow the instructions
      they will check the details and let you know if you have passed the verification
      This takes about 36 hours
      I have just received this and will check this evening if it works
      Good Luck

      • Nope, can’t get on it. Keeps coming up with error, Wales got own system

    • Just to add you only need the doctors link for the full app

      • State of play can now get a PDF printed copy to on my computer

        now all I have to do is get this on my I phone

        • Got this all done in 30 minutes from creating account..uploading photo of my driving licence..letting site verify facial recognition for travel have the bar code and full details and dates of both vaccines.. all good..just need to do my wifes now..

    • stephen Ryan
      27 JUNE 2021 @ 16:05

      Just to add you only need the doctors link for the full app

      stephen Ryan
      27 JUNE 2021 @ 16:20

      State of play can now get a PDF printed copy to on my computer

      now all I have to do is get this on my I phone

      Print works great but up to now has taken 6 hours of my life and screwed up my blood pressure

    • Have you been able to sort anything re the Welsh – English issue? I live in Wales but have an English Doctor and according to the NHS app have no vaccination records. I have been trying to resolve the issue since March but no one seems to know anything and they seem unable to help me. I’m pulling my hair out. When you rang up was it easy to get proof of your vaccination status? Who did you ring please. Thanks.

    • What side is giving you a paper copy ? Is it the side you had your jabs ? I need to get proof, had jabs in England and live in Wales

  • No use to me as I just get the message that my GP surgery is not linked to the app. Why advertise something when it is not yet ready to run.

    • i went on the ‘help’ section of the app and it says you can ask your surgery for all the details to link it yourself. I’m going tomorrow and they’ll probably say they know nothing about it.

      • I would be interested to know if you got anywhere after speaking to your surgery

        • I’ll let you know when I call them. I keep getting an error code that isn’t shown on the help page. My surgery doesn’t even allow access to my records so I doubt they’ll sign up to this.

    • I thought I had replied to this earlier but seems to have vanished..
      So I said that I had completed, with lots of moans to the help people, the registration process and got the email saying that all checks were completed and I was good to go.
      But….whilst I can log in, I end up with a message telling me that my Doctors practice isn’t registered….
      So hopefully as they, NHS help, asked for my Doctor’s details, they will chase this up tomorrow…..maybe….

      • Problem here John you need to know I put in the link you gave and received a copy of your covid passport

  • Does anybody have any idea when ALL GP’s in Wales will be linking to the NHS system thereby enabling us to use the app?

    • I don’t even know why we have to link with our surgery’s as they do not have our covid jabs on our records. I went in and asked my surgery the other day. she said it wouldn’t be on my records but my gp could do me a letter, but it will cost £12
      bloody joke

    • Register on the NHS website, I don’t think the NHS app works in Wales. I had no issues on the website and every thing was straight forward. I just have to log in to show my covid passport.

  • Trying to do this is almost impossible the clown who set this system up wants shooting
    no instructions as to how no instruction as to what equipment you require. most people do not have video facilities on the PC you will need a degree in computer programming to do this lot.

    If this was payed for with my tax money I would like a re-bait

  • absolute joke, typical uk

  • I today signed up and received an email saying I could now access my covid vaccination pass.
    It now turns out my GP isn’t registered and I therefore have no access. What happens now?

    • I had the same issue, log in on the website not the app –

      • Thanks Joshua. It worked

  • Doesn’t work

  • Our Son has had his first vaccine in Wales and has since moved back to the UK. He has managed to book his second vaccine in the UK but just wondering how this will be picked up by the NHS app if the one in Wales does not register?

    Any advice on who to contact would be greatly appreciated.

    • The vaccines in Wales are displayed on the website as well England, however wales are lagging behind linking upto the NHS app. If there’s any issues he should be able to contact his GP/ local health bored if any issues persist.
      I’m not affiliated with the NHS in Amy way, this is my own experience and knowledge.

  • Has been working perfectly well for me in England and I will be using it on Tuesday to gain entry to England V Sri Lanka at Durham. Escape velocity for the NHS app is within reach, all we need now is to add the ability to record some simple privacy settings and we can be free of the fifteen year wrangle over IG that has produced the latest fiasco, GPDPR.

  • Just tried to log in and use this. Being told I live in Wales and not applicable. Updates on the issue would be appreciated

    • This link works for wales nhs –

      The app will only work if your surgery is linked to the NHS system. Some are and some aren’t however that link will work in a browser, hope this helps.

      • Hi we have been getting something similar for my son who is in school in wales but got his jab in London. He is registered with a GP in wales.
        Registering through the portal (safari not google) seemed to have worked.
        We are now waiting for the confirmation email. The App still says that as he is registered in Wales the system doesn’t work…… we still have time before we go away so i am hoping they are going to sort it out

  • It giving me error many times I try to log in as I live in Wales and I have both vaccine jab, I need the vaccination passport

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