Peppy Health launches digital menopause resource pack

Pitchfest 2021 winner Peppy Health has launched a new digital menopause resource to help organisations better support their employees.
The resource is designed to fully equip organisations with the information and guidance they need to support staff who are going through the menopause.
It was developed by Kathy Abernathy, Peppy’s director of menopause services and former chair of the British Menopause Society. It includes factsheets, expert advice on the menopause at work, the impact it can have on employees and employers and tips on how organisations can support staff.
CEO of Peppy Health, Mridula Pore, said: “Many companies really want to do more to help their colleagues during menopause but just don’t know where to start. We developed these resources to give them the confidence to make those first steps.”
With more companies looking to provide assistance to staff during the menopause, the resource not only provides tools to build knowledge but also puts a framework on what support might look like in practice.
Pore continued: “Knowledge is empowering, and we’ve found that the right information can be transformational for individuals and companies. These resources have been developed to help companies get up to speed, give them the confidence to have the conversation and understand what will really make a difference to their colleagues.”
One area of focus for the pack, often missing from menopause advice, is the impact of menopause on the gender pensions gap. The menopause leads to one in four women considering leaving work due to the severity of their symptoms, while others opt to go part time.
This can have a significant effect on pensions and is something that not all women will consider. Working with the Money and Pensions Service Peppy has included resources within the pack to help people with their financial planning.
Peppy Health were the winners of Pitchfest 2021 and in August of this year secured £6.6million in its latest funding round.
An episode of Digital Health Unplugged featured Peppy Health’s Dr Mridula Pore as she spoke about her journey from start up to Digital Health Rewired Pitchfest finalist. You can listen to the episode here or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and the usual podcast platforms.