
Telemedicine robots helping to ease pressure on hospitals during Covid-19

The roll-out of new state-of-the-art robot technology, developed by Consultant Connect, is helping to ease pressures on hospitals during Covid-19.
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Bowel Cancer UK develops text-based support programme

Bowel Cancer UK has joined forces with text message micro-learning platform GoodCourse, to develop a mobile phone text-based support programme
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AI chatbots could help patients discuss sensitive health conditions

Research from the University of Westminster has revealed AI chatbots could be used to get people to open up about sensitive
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Joe’s View: Merry X-mas, Mr Hancock

In our last column of 2021, Joe McDonalds reflects on Christmases gone by and why Matt Hancock's 'Tech Vision' cannot
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New framework for communication technology is launched

NHS Shared Business Services has introduced a new framework to help with pre- and post-appointment communications within the NHS.
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Oracle confirms £22.4bn acquisition EHR provider Cerner

Oracle has confirmed it has acquired global electronic health record (EHR) provider, Cerner, in a deal worth around £22.4billion ($28.3billion).
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Cheshire and Wirral go live with electronic patient record from TPP

The mental health trust has gone live with an electronic patient record (EPR) from TPP - becoming the first trust
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Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital achieves HIMSS Stage 6 rating

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded stage 6 EMRAM (Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model) from HIMSS.
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Feedback expands its cloud-based tuberculosis programme in rural India

Feedback will be expanding is TB screening programme, thanks to funding from Amazon Web Services to cover the cost of
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Special Report: Interoperability

With the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) vowing to help improve interoperability in healthcare, Jennifer Trueland investigates what impact
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