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Hosted by Jordan Sollof

Jordan Sollof

Digital Health Unplugged covers all things health technology and NHS IT. Hosted by Digital Health's news reporter Jordan Sollof, the podcast delves into key issues and news stories in the sector. It also shines a light on the great work taking place from members of the Digital Health CIO, CCIO and CNIO Networks.

Digital Health Unplugged: CardMedic win Pitchfest 2022

Following a successful Digital Health Rewired, Jordan Sollof chats to Dr Rachael Grimaldi, co-founder and CEO of Pitchfest 2022 champions CardMedic, in the latest episode of Digital Health Unplugged.

Grimaldi talks about how and why she founded CardMedic with her husband Tim in the height of the pandemic, their journey with the company so far and the achievements and success they have enjoyed to date.

She then talks about her experience of this year’s Rewired Pitchfest, including what it was like to present online and then in person, how it feels to be the winner and what impact it will have on CardMedic moving forward.

Finally, Grimaldi sets out the short-term and long-term ambitions for the company and their ultimate goal, before giving some top tips and best advice for any start-ups thinking of applying for next year’s Pitchfest.

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