
NECS’ I-Lin Hall reflects on achievements and previews Rewired 2022

The head of data and digital applications at North of England Care System Support (NECS) has spoken ahead of her
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Midlands Partnership’s whirlwind journey with remote consultations

Digital Health News spokes to Martyn Perry, from Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust about the organisation's journey with remote consultations.
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Looking into the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

Andrew Davies from the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI), explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.
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NHS online platform to tackle elective surgery backlog is launched

The NHS have today launched a new online platform, My Planned Care, as a measure to tackle the elective surgery
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Graphnet Health launches graduate recruitment programme

Graphnet Health has announced a nationwide graduate programme to provide learning and career development opportunities to future health technology leaders.
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Online doctor’s service found guilty of activity without CQC registration

Pharamcorp Ltd pleaded guilty to providing services without Care Quality Commission registration and has been ordered to pay £13,670.
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Cancer alliance implements AI tool to help match patients with clinical trials

The NHS Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucester (SWAG) Cancer Alliance will use an AI tool to help match cancer patients
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Digital Health Unplugged: A chat with Saffron Cordery

The latest episode of Unplugged is now live and this time Jordan Sollof is joined by Saffron Cordery, deputy chief
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Turning something as ordinary as switching on a kettle into health insight

Dr Haidar Samiei explores how the pandemic has increased the trend for remote health monitoring and can help shape new
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Barnsley Hospital teams up with a number of partners for EDMS project

Barnsley Hospital has teamed up with System C, IMMJ Systems and Iron Mountain for an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
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