
AI and data: Consent to use of data ‘a sticking plaster for broken systems’

Issues around consent in AI and data cannot be addressed through legal processes or focusing on patients’ rights and autonomy,
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New standards released to ensure medical AI is safe and effective

Healthcare professionals can harness artificial intelligence safely and effectively by following a new set of patient and industry-agreed standards.
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Government leaders trying to stay ahead of AI, address public fears 

Government leaders in both the UK and the US have addressed the safety of AI over the past week as
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ☕

This coffee briefing features the Maple Centre at Milton Keynes University Hospital celebrating its first birthday and the use of
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Tunstall Healthcare Group signs MoU with the University of Edinburgh

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Tunstall Healthcare Group and the University of Edinburgh to develop AI-powered digital
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AI Diagnostic Fund worth £21m to be shared by 64 NHS trusts

The £21m AI Diagnostic Fund is to be split between 64 NHS trusts to speed up the diagnosis of lung
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