Lilli launches adult social care fund to support digital transformation

  • 22 February 2024
Lilli launches adult social care fund to support digital transformation

A Proactive Care Fund has been established by Lilli, to provide access to up to Ā£1,000,000 of matched funding for local authorities and ICBs to help them overcome barriers to technology procurement.

The adult social care fund is to help accelerate the adoption of transformational remote monitoring technologies, addressing current resource and budget pressures with the overall aim of supporting people to live independently for longer.

Lilli will match fund organisations that are looking to improve conditions within the care system, using an easy application process.

Nick Weston, chief commercial officer at Lilli, said: ā€œWe launched the Proactive Care Fund because we are acutely aware that while organisations now really understand the value of remote monitoring technology in improving services, there are real challenges and blockers to procure at present and it can often require a large amount of team resource, which they may not have, to do so.”

He added: ā€œBy taking this proactive step, we are hoping we can ease the pressure on an already strained health and care system to accelerate adoption of our evidenced solution, while helping more people across the country to live safely and independently in their homes for longer.ā€

While it is widely accepted that technology can be the solution to the growing gap between capacity and demand, barriers to digital transformation include complex and time-consuming procurement processes, lack of capacity and budgetary constraints.

Lilli supports adult social service teams to gain valuable insights into an individualā€™s wellbeing, even when no carer is present. Its technology can help to spot signs of declining health, before conditions become acute, giving care teams the chance to intervene early with a care package that can help to avoid a hospital admission. In addition, care teams can focus resources where they are most needed. Earlier this month the company revealed it had raisedĀ Ā£8.2 millionĀ in Series A financing – a 37% increase on its initial target.

Evidence is already underlining the benefits of the solution. According to council evidence, organisations using Lilli technology can expect to save up to Ā£9 for every 1 spent, generate thousands of additional carer hours and speed up hospital discharge by as much as 16 days.

Additionally, independent economic analysis predicts that by 2035, the technology could deliver benefits equivalent to an additional 10,000 full-time carers in the UK.

The North Central London ICB was one organisation that used the first wave of the Proactive Care Funding to procure Lilli.

Phil Darby, ASC commissioning lead for markets at North Central London ICB, said: ā€œThe application process for the fund was comprehensive yet accessible and the funding provided has enabled a wider roll out of Lilli than originally anticipated, allowing us to support a greater number of residents. Iā€™d highly recommend ICSs to apply for this fantastic opportunity.ā€

The Proactive Care Fund offers matched funding offers between 12-month and 5-year contract terms for local authorities and ICBs. Organisations can email for an application pack before the end of 8th March 2024 for commencement of contracts in spring.

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