NuraLogix announces new AI model for fatty liver disease

  • 24 April 2023
NuraLogix announces new AI model for fatty liver disease

NuraLogix has announced new capability for assessing fatty liver disease risk, using its contactless health platform that measures vital signs and provides health risk assessments.

The company’s researchers have developed artificial intelligence (AI) models that can predict a person’s risk of having fatty liver disease (FLD), using facial blood patterns.

“Many people with this condition are unaware of it and drift further into metabolic complications,” said Dr Keith Thompson, chief medical officer at NuraLogix. “This research shows the potential of the platform to screen for FLD and help users intervene with necessary lifestyle changes to prevent a ‘waterfall’ event such as liver failure.”

The NuraLogix Anura contactless health platform is already able to take over 30 medical-grade health vitals using any video-enabled device, including blood pressure, cardiac workload, heart rate variability and respiratory rate.

The platform uses a conventional video camera to extract facial blood flow information, which it combines with AI model analysis in the cloud to gain health information based on the pattern of facial blood flows.

It uses patented Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOI) technology to monitor users’ health. This form of Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) automatically detects a person’s face, identifies key regions of interest, and extracts blood flow information. This is then combined with powerful AI data models developed from more than 40,000 patients with multiple health conditions.

The new capability adds to Anura’s existing capabilities, which include T2 diabetes risk assessments, cardiovascular disease risks, depression health risk and hypertension risk.

The solution holds potential for many sectors, where it could transform the way chronic diseases are identified, managed and presented. In the future, health vitals could be continuously monitored with a simple look at a smartphone, mirror, TV screen or health kiosk. The Anura platform is hardware and platform agnostic and performs across most digital consumer and B2B health platforms on the market.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to help detect and monitor health risks and diseases. This month, myGP users were given access to an AI-powered skin scanning technology from Autoderm to help them check the health of their skin and detect any underlying conditions.

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