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Digital responses to Covid19 – Mobile enabling NHS workforces

  •  20 March 2020
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  20 March 2020
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    Digital tools, platforms and services offer a variety of ways for UK health services to help manage the unique challenges of the Covid-19 public health emergency, ranging from mobilising entire workforces, triaging patients, providing advice and guidance through to shifting from in-person to video consultations.
    Over the coming weeks Digital Health will run a programme of highly interactive weekly webinars to share lessons and knowledge on how health and care organisations can and are using digital tools to help meet the unique challenges of responding to Covid-19.
    The new Digital Responses to Covid-19 series starts 20 March with VMWare and WifiSpark in the hot seat detailing how they are working with NHS organisations to enable them to very rapidly mobile-enable their staff.

    Chair: Jon Hoeksma, Editor-in-chief Digital Health

    12.30 – 13.00 VMWare
    Darren Hirons – Senior SE / Specialist – Digital Workspace, VMWare
    Spencer Pitts – Chief Technologist – Digital Workspace, VMWare
    Hema Purohit – Business Transformation & Lead Healthcare Strategist, EMEA, VMWare

    13.00 – 13.30 WifiSpark
    Steven Killick, WifiSpark

    Digital Responses to Covid19-20200320 1223-1 from Katerina Loucka on Vimeo.


    Please find the slides below.

    Steven Killick – WiFi SPARK – COVID-19 – Digital Support

    VMware -Digital Responses to Covid19_19032020

    Digital Health webinar will ask