Contact us

Contact the editorial team

The editorial team is responsible for producing the news stories that appear on the website, for editing opinion and analysis features, and for overseeing special reports and thought leadership mailers. The team is:

Chief executive and editor-in-chief, Jon Hoeksma.

Editor, Tammy Lovell and junior reporter, Jordan Sollof

Contact the sales team

The sales team is responsible for: Intelligence, publishing (including the Digital Health jobs board), networks and event sales. The team can be contacted on, or call:

Commercial director, Karl Grundy

Intelligence account manager, Gabriel Englehard

Contact the Digital Health Intelligence team

The Digital Health Intelligence team produces the digital health intelligence subscription service, research reports, including the Clinical Digital Maturity Index (CDMI) and custom research: The team can be contacted on:, or call:

Research Manager – Emmanuel Phillips

Managing director – Intelligence, Karl Grundy

Contact the Networks team

Digital Health Networks: CCIO, Health CIO, CNIO, NextGen Networks promote and support information leaders in the health service and industry. The networks have their own sites, newsletters and events, including summer schools and annual conferences. Contact:

Digital Health chief executive and editor, Jon Hoeksma /

Di Bullman, Senior Networks Manager (Maternity Cover)

Sponsorship: Commercial director,