Davey Winder: Is blockchain hope or hyperbole for NHS data security?
Davey Winder has something of a reputation for fortune telling. Recently he’s been asked whether blockchain could solve healthcare’s security woes. His verdict? Unconvinced.
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Davey Winder has something of a reputation for fortune telling. Recently he’s been asked whether blockchain could solve healthcare’s security woes. His verdict? Unconvinced.
The latest round up from the world of cyber security features news that the University of St Andrews has received £37.4m to study medical data security.
App developers legally and routinely share data but evidence suggest many fail to provide privacy assurances around how they share the data, experts said.
In the UK several companies are looking into the viability of 5G technology in healthcare, but as with all new technology there are risks involved.
Our latest cyber news round up features a report which suggests legacy applications could be posing a serious cyber security risk to hospitals.
A freedom of information request which revealed a lack of cyber and information governance training may be something of a red herring. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t valuable work to be done on creating a cyber-qualified NHS IT workforce, our expert columnist Davey Winder argues.