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Cyber Security

Cyber security underpins the safe and secure delivery of digital health services. Modern healthcare critically depends on reliable, effective digital infrastructure, playing a key contribution to productivity and efficiency as well as patient safety. 

Cyber Security

Digital Health Cybersecurity Round-Up
Cyber Security

Cyber security news round-up

Warnings over vulnerabilities found in Natus Medical devices features in this month’s cyber security industry round-up, alongside news that Microsoft has put a number of AI business deals on hold over fears that its technology could by exploited for nefarious purposes.

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Cyber Security

Cybercrime in a few keystrokes: Gary Colman at the PCS conference

WannaCry last year put ransomware high on the agenda for NHS IT professionals, but that effort is – rightly – focused on preventing and mitigating against attacks. What may be less obvious is carrying out ransomware attack can be easy as a few keystrokes, as Vivienne Raper discovered at last year’s Public Cyber Security (PCS) conference.

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