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Webinar: Are patient webinars the way forward for NHS #Futurehealth?

  •  11 January 2019
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  11 January 2019
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    Could webinars change the way the NHS delivers patient education and help patients to take control of their health in the digital age?

    Marianne Williams, Specialist Gastroenterology Community Dietitian, and her team at Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, set up an IBS patient webinar in 2017 as part of an NHS England 100 Day Project to reach the many patients who were unable to access their 1-1 clinics.

    The data so far for the IBS webinar shows that 100% of patients would recommend the webinar, with 84% stating that it improved their confidence in managing their condition, and 80% finding the webinar easy to join. Interestingly the largest cohort of attendees are the 65-74 year old showing that age is not a barrier.

    The use of the webinar has reduced their 1-1 clinic referral rate by almost 50% since the webinar began in July 2017. This is allowing them to take on coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease within their clinic which would have been impossible prior to the webinars.

    They have now additionally recorded a Newly Diagnosed Coeliac Webinar and are in the process of recording a webinar for patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This webinar-video looks at the innovative award-winning use of webinars with IBS patients in Somerset.

    Marianne Williams BSc hons, RD, MSc Allergy, Specialist Gastroenterology Community Dietitian, Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust




    are patient webinars the way forward for nhs #futurehealth -20190111 1228-1 from Katerina Loucka on Vimeo.

    Digital Health webinar will ask