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Journal Club: Codesigned standardised referral form: simplifying the complex

  •  3 December 2024
     5:00 PM

    In association with

    •  3 December 2024
       5:00 PM

    Join Scott Laing, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada and co-authors in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our live BCS BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health. Synopsis This journal club is based on a paper entitled, Codesigned standardised referral form: simplifying the complexity. The authors recognised that ‘care providers are burning out due to increasing administrative burdens, and referral processes contribute to these administrative burdens.’ They were concerned that extra information was demanded on digital forms when compared to paper forms. Working with referring consultants, consultant providers and administrators, the authors co-designed a simplified referral form which they propose is adopted. Join us to discuss the subject matter further and ask the presenting author your questions based on your experience.


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