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Digital Health Regional Networks Event – London

  •  25 February 2021
     12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    In association with

    •  25 February 2021
       12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    Digital Health Regional Networks Events is a new monthly programme of regional best practice events for NHS IT leaders, focused on sharing digital best practice underway in a particular NHS region. Our speaker line up:

    Trevor Witcher
    End User Technology Programme Manager
    Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

     “Driving digital adoption through Covid-19 and beyond”
    Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the largest specialist heart and lung centre in the UK. The team at this busy NHS Trust successfully implemented Imprivata OneSign resulting in benefits for clinicians accessing a wide range of devices and applications within the trust and to help support the migration to Windows 10. After two unsuccessful attempts at introducing the authentication and access management solution, a revised approach was needed. The trust committed an increased level of resources to manage the project and focused on end-user engagement and adoption utilising floor walkers, super-users and a model ward as well as learnings from the previous projects. Trevor Witcher, End User Technology Programme Manager will talk through how they made the project a success, pivoted around the challenges of COVID-19 to keep the project on track and brought measurable and tangible benefits to clinical staff within the Trust.

    Ruth Holland
    Deputy CIO
    Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
    Gary Cairney
    Deputy Head of BI
    Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

    “Real time data during the surge”
    Imperial’s command centre went live in November 2019 ready for what was anticipated to be another difficult winter for the NHS. It quickly became an important tool to help manage patient flow through our hospitals. Little did we know then just how invaluable it would be during the pandemic and how extensively we would develop it to support our operational and clinical teams with real time data to make urgent and important decisions. There can be no overcrowding in emergency departments, every single bed is needed, nursing ratios must be monitored, and patient oxygen stats are vital.

    Emily Burch
    Head of Physical Health & Lead for COVID-19 Testing, Topol Digital Fellow
    Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
    Mark Gregson
    Deputy CIO
    Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

    “Delivering digital innovations one test at a time”
    NHS Trusts have demonstrated our ability to rapidly implement and embrace digital technology to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust worked at pace by engaging with partners such as Microsoft and Mazik Global to find creative digital solutions designed around staff experience and putting staff at the heart of our solution.   To meet the challenges of Lateral Flow Testing for all staff, daily collection SitRep and weekly test reporting, we used learning from previous digital projects to design a process that would work to produce a high level of self-reporting by ensuring ease of use for the end user.

    This London Regional Event is hosted by:

    Lisa Emery
    Chief Information Officer – Royal Marsden NHSFT
    Luke Readman
    Regional Director of Transformation – NHS London


    Please forward to 3:41 on timer for the start, we were waiting for audience to come in to the broadcast, thank you.

    Please forward to 3:41 on timer for the start, we were waiting for audience to come in to the broadcast, thank you.

    Digital Health webinar will ask