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Journal Club: Lessons learned from a comprehensive electronic patient record procurement process—implications for healthcare organisations

  •  27 February 2020
     6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    In association with

    •  27 February 2020
       6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Join Shankar Sridharan (GOSH) in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care) for our next live BCS (CITP) BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.

    Lessons learned from a comprehensive electronic patient record procurement process—implications for healthcare organisations

    W Priestman, R Collins, H Vigne, S Sridharan, L Seamer, D Bowen, N Sebire

    The authors from Great Ormond Street Hospital have conducted a study which describes learning from procurement of a comprehensive electronic patient record (EPR/electronic health record (EHR)), system for a specialist clinical academic institution. Using a retrospective review of procurement process in addition to evaluation of peer-reviewed literature in the field, the main lessons learned include the importance of detailed preparation of organisational requirements/specifications and organisational ‘readiness’. Early staff involvement, resulting in ownership of the selected system by the organisation was a key achievement. The scoring process used required significant resource commitment but, despite being extensive in scope, provided relatively poor distinction between suppliers, despite significant variation in supplier self-scoring. Other elements, such as demonstrations and site visits, provided superior evaluation of functional abilities, and specification requirements should be regarded as threshold evaluation.



    Journal club Lessons learned from a comprehensive electronic patient record procurement process-20200227 1729-1 from Katerina Loucka on Vimeo.

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