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Paving the Way for Digital Health: How Standardisation Transforms Healthcare Operations

  •  17 September 2024
     3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    In association with

    •  17 September 2024
       3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


    Staff and patients alike are frustrated with the slow progress toward a more integrated digital health service. While NHS technology leaders strive to achieve digital modernisation goals, the task remains difficult considering current financial and resource constraints. Standardisation of healthcare technology and operations is a strategic yet practical first step in the journey toward digital health transformation and improved patient and provider experience.

    Hear from healthcare IT leaders and experts at CereCore International, a healthcare IT consulting firm that recently partnered with Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust through planning, go-live support, and optimisation efforts for their MEDITECH Expanse project.

    Explore benefits of standardisation from data to integrated care systems and day-to-day health IT operations.

    Discuss best practices for approaching standardisation across various functions within your healthcare IT organisation.

    See how to assess your organisation’s maturity and readiness in the areas of digital transformation.

    Key discussion topics:

    • Short- and long-term gains of standardisation on operational and cost efficiency
    • Real-world examples and lessons-learnt from partnerships with Ardent Health Services, Surgery Partners, Liverpool Women’s, and Alder Hey Children’s.
    • Leadership and organisational strategies to encourage healthy collaboration among C-suite and clinical stakeholders


    Daniel Eyre, Regional VP of Business Development, CereCore International

    Joel St. Francis, COO, CereCore

    Hayley Grafton, Chief Nursing Information Officer, Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


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