InterSystems - The interoperability to make decisions with complete data
Digital Health Special report: portals
Advertisers: InterSystems | Intelerad | Orion Health | Civica | Ideagen | Graphnet



One stop shop

One stop shops

Clinical portals have become ever more sophisticated, and portal technology is now being used to underpin information sharing and digital patient services.

Yet there are still debates about their limits: can a trust really build an electronic patient record around a portal, and does there come a point at which healthcare communities need direct information sharing between systems? Lyn Whitfield reports.


Graphnet - CareCentric: Shared care rocord
Intelerad - Expand your hosizon
October 2016, call Rob Hodge 020 7785 6907

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Better care.
Connected care.

When comprehensive health records are shared in a timely and meaningful way among providers, patients, information systems, the result is joined-up, holistic, and patient-centric solutions. HealthShare provides what is needed to put this approach into practice.

With HealthShare solutions you can:

  • Gain access to complete patient records on demand, including clinical events from all members of the care team in a useful, organised way
  • Support integrated national and regional health information exchange
  • Coordinate care and manage the health of populations
  • Improve communication among providers, community service agencies, care managers, patients and families
  • Connect healthcare devices, software and organisations
  • Enhance safety and reduce duplicative services by delivering comprehensive patient records and actionable information at the point of care
  • Build connected, information-rich, non-stop healthcare information technology solutions and services
  • Identify opportunities to enhance and optimise care processes and outcomes.

HealthShare enables better care through connecting care.

Find out more on HealthShare here.

Tel: +44 (0)1753 829 637
Web: InterSystems Website
Twitter: @InterSystemsUK
LinkedIn: InterSystems UK
Blog: Pulse
YouTube: InterSystemsCorp


Featured suppliers



Intelerad Medical Systems

Intelerad is a leader in distributed radiology, specialising in archiving, workflow and imaging interoperability solutions and services for hospitals, radiology groups, imaging centres, and teleradiology businesses.

Renowned for their innovative features, functionality and ability to create cross-enterprise workflows, Intelerad solutions increase productivity and streamline workflow by overcoming technical barriers in distributed and complex environments.

Used in sites across the United Kingdom, North America, and Oceania, Intelerad couples its highly scalable, flexible and robust solutions with industry-leading customer service and support to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

Tel: +44 (0)7508 711 335 (Roy Kinnear)
Web: Intelerad Website
Twitter: @intelerad
LinkedIn: Intelerad LinkedIn
Blog: Blog
YouTube: Intelerad YouTube


Ideagen - Coordinated healthcare

Featured suppliers




Ideagen provides software and services to help over 400 global healthcare organisations, including 75% of the UK NHS, to manage quality, safety and compliance while improving patient care outcomes and clinical efficiency.

Ideagen Clinical Portal is a secure, user-friendly, web-based tool developed for clinicians to manage clinical information at the point of care and to communicate with both providers and patients.

The proliferation of electronic systems in departments and hospitals has seen the time spent searching for clinical information across multiple systems increase dramatically. With clinicians requiring more from the systems that underpin care pathways, on-demand access to clinical information is critical in modernising clinical processes and improving the quality of care.

Ideagen Clinical Portal improves information access by making cost-effective use of existing technology to join up systems and processes across departments and between hospitals.

Tel: +44 (0)1629 699 100 (David Appleby)
Web: Ideagen website
Twitter: @ideagen_plc
LinkedIn: ideagen-plc
Facebook: Ideagen Facebook


Featured suppliers



Civica Digital Solutions Health

As a trusted partner for over 400 health and care providers, Civica is helping trusts deliver improved, cost efficient and future-proofed patient care with Cito - a responsive, customisable and browser agnostic web based clinical management solution.

Delivered on-premises or in Civica’s secure managed cloud, Cito combines the next generation electronic document management system with a powerful single sign-on interface. This allows Cito to enhance a trust’s ‘paperlight’ office and deliver tangible savings, operational efficiencies and improved patient-focused outcomes.

Designed with user engagement, Cito provides:

  • Single sign-on intuitive clinical interface
  • Real-time access to critical information
  • Customisable virtual patient record
  • Unmatched EDMS, eForms and workflow
  • Seamless integration into 30+ third party systems
  • Scalable and robust performance
  • Improved auditing and performance management
  • Automated classification and data processing
  • Enhanced document security & compliance
  • Comprehensive cross system searching.

Learn how Cito is transforming patient care for the health service of today and tomorrow at

Tel: +44 (0)1935 424 356 (Steve Burton)
Web: Civica Website
Twitter: @CivicaUK
LinkedIn: Civica LinkedIn
YouTube: Civica YouTube


Featured suppliers



Orion Health

As part of your Sustainability and Transformation Plan and Local Digital Roadmap, Orion Health ’s technology can help you to deliver the recommendations laid out in the Five Year Forward View and the Personalised Health and Care 2020 framework.

Hundreds of thousands of clinicians in more than 30 countries are already using our healthcare information technology solutions every day to improve clinical workflow, decision-making and patient-centred care for more than 100 million patients in our award-winning systems.

Orion Health’s 15 years of proven success in supporting and delivering value-for-money for organisations in the UK means that you can trust us to deliver on the journey from fragmented to integrated care. Our capabilities include data integration, fully interoperable integrated digital health records, patient portals, shared care planning, healthcare pathways, medicines management and more.

Empower your care providers to deliver the best patient care possible with Orion Health’s 7 A ’s formula for coordinated patient-centred care. To find out more, contact us today.

Tel: +44 (0) 870 486 8406
Web: Orion website
Twitter: @OrionHealthEMEA
LinkedIn: Orion LinkedIn
Facebook: Orion Facebook


Featured suppliers



Enabling new models of care

Graphnet’s CareCentric software allows for the integration of health and social care records. It facilitates digital efficiency through paperless working and our myCareCentric Patient Portal allows individuals to participate and engage in their own care - enabling new models of care for each patient, with each patient.

CareCentric has over 50,000 registered users in the 40+ CCGs that feed into our shared care records. We are the software provider for the Hampshire Health Record, one of the largest and oldest shared care records, which integrates data from over 151 different organisations: 142 GP practices, 2 mental health and community trusts; 3 local authorities; 3 acute hospitals; and an independent treatment centre.

Our myCareCentric Patient Portal puts patients and care providers in close communication, providing richer sources of information supporting self-care and providing better signposting for individuals who need professional care. In Dorset, patients with epilepsy are using our specialist myCareCentric Epilepsy app in conjunction with wearable technologies and techniques such as alerting and data sharing to provide their clinicians with real-time information, allowing prompt clinical responses, increased support and better quality of care.

For more information on how Graphnet can support your new models of care, contact us.

Tel: +44 (0) 3330 771 988
Web: Graphnet Website
Twitter: @GraphnetHealth
LinkedIn: Graphnet LinkedIn


Cito Real time single view access