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Integrated Care

Exploring how health and care professionals are using digital and data to make integrated care a reality, spanning shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care. 

Integrated Care

Integrated Care

Ewan Davis: on new leaders and hard and soft power

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is back and the NHS in England has a set of new IT leaders. So far so good, but can they make the shift from wielding hard power to encouraging collaboration, ‘honourable failure’ and a willingness to embrace what works?

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Integrated Care

You say you want a revolution…

In Merseyside, health organisations are smashing faxes, finding cheap ways to go digital, and playing with tomorrow’s technology. Ben Heather reports from the iLinks Innovations Conference.

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Integrated Care

Ewan Davis: Putting lipstick on a pig

Putting a few open APIs on a megasuite is not the same as creating an open platform. Still, while it’s somewhat akin to putting lipstick on a pig, it’s a step in the right direction – and some pigs can be very attractive. Argues Ewan Davis.

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