Put another record on
While England has struggled to create integrated care records – even a Summary Care Record – Northern Ireland has been powering ahead. Claire Read reports on some EHI Awards winning work.
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While England has struggled to create integrated care records – even a Summary Care Record – Northern Ireland has been powering ahead. Claire Read reports on some EHI Awards winning work.
Bradford is one of NHS England’s integrated digital care record exemplars; thanks to a project to create a ‘pooled’ record building on the local use of TPP’s SystmOne. Lis Evenstad took a look.
Cumbria is on its way to paper-lite using a range of technology approaches, including the implementation of an ‘air-traffic control’ system. Lis Evenstad went to have a look.
Two rounds of tech fund money have boosted interest in portals. Jennifer Trueman reports.
It’s seems all quiet on the integrated digital care record front, but a lot of work is going on in the background. EHI reports.
The latest of EHI’s regular special reports on systems integration takes a look at the role of portals.