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Integrated Care

Exploring how health and care professionals are using digital and data to make integrated care a reality, spanning shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care. 

Integrated Care

A tug of war is emerging on LHCREs
Integrated Care

A tug of war over LHCREs is underway

When the Local Health and Care Record Exemplars LHCREs were created, the official line is that they would support local direct care and enable population health management and analytics at regional level. But, as Digital Health editor Jon Hoeksma reports, tensions are emerging on whether they should also provide a bridge to a federated national data resource.  

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Advisory Series

Advisory Series: Interoperability

Data sharing between primary and secondary care has long been a digital challenge for the NHS. But with Matt Hancock focusing his attention on resolving the problem and a new national programme underway, is a corner about to be turned? Maja Dragovic finds out.

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