NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde launches health visiting app
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has launched a new app for parents of young children to bring together a host of health and wellbeing advice.
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NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has launched a new app for parents of young children to bring together a host of health and wellbeing advice.
NHS Highland has avoided up to £1m of appointment costs by using a waiting list validation tool from Netcall.
Digital Health News has picked out the 10 news stories that sparked the most conversations in the sector in 2024.
MediMusic and Anglia Ruskin University have been awarded £183,682 to investigate how AI and music can help South Asian people with dementia.
A set of recommendations has been published with the aim of reducing the risk of potential bias in AI for healthcare technologies.
Our latest roundup features a new joint CEO of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts.
Health and social care students and NHS employees will be trained on using smart technology in assisted living suites at North Kent College.
NHS spending on IT will increase over the next five years in response to pressures
Four southern acute trusts have tendered for an electronic prescribing and medicines administration system worth
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is to ask Monitor to relax its oversight of its
The US and UK are working together on harmonising quality indicators, releasing and using health
The Health and Social Care Information Centre will take four weeks to audit the data