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NICE launches BNF smartphone app

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has launched a free version of the British National Formulary smartphone app for health and social professionals employed by NHS England.

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The Virtual Assistant will see you now

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has installed a Virtual Assistant to improve the experience of patients and visitors entering its new £2.7m reception area.

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Graham takes stand in iSoft trial

A former senior executive of iSoft, accused of misleading investors over a £44.3m contract, has denied that failing to agree the deal would have affected the company’s success.

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Great Ormond Street bites into Apple

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust has deployed iPads and iMacs in its cardiology department to give staff instant access to 3D images of patients’ hearts, as part of a bigger Apple infrastructure project.

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