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Survey reveals white paper job fears

More than 80% of staff working in strategic health authorities and primary care trusts in England expect to lose their jobs or are uncertain about the future, according to an exclusive poll by EHI Primary Care.

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EU study says EU is leading on e-health

The European Commission has published the preliminary findings of a study into National eHealth strategies that concludes Europe is leading the rest of the world when it comes to eHealth advances.

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Leeds med students given iPhones

More than 500 medical students at the University of Leeds have been given iPhones so they can access progress files, assessment modules and educational tools as part of their studies.

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Barts to link cardiology EPR to Cerner

Barts and The London NHS Trust has signed a deal with HD Clinical to replace its cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery systems with a web-based electronic patient record that will link to its Cerner Millennium system.

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