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DH issues guidance on ‘safe havens’

The Department of Health has issued guidance on the creation of patient data ā€˜safe havensā€™ that will govern access to confidential data held by Health and Social Care Information Centre.

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Hunt calls for shared records and data

The NHS will not reach its full potential without sharing electronic patient records across health and social care, Jeremy Hunt has said in a speech that once again backed the widespread use of IT in health and social care.

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ASH consultation out ‘soon’

New regulations on how patient identifiable data can be provided to commissioners should be in place by the end of 2014, NHS England and the Health and Social Care Information Centre have said.

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Kelsey says ‘listen with data’

NHS commissioners cannot ā€œlistenā€ to what patients need without tools such as to help them Tim Kelsey has argued, while again ruling out an opt-in model for the controversial programme.

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NHS must earn trust on data – Manning

The NHS needs to earn back the trust of patients in the way that it handles data, the chair of the HSCIC has said in a speech that also promised action on ‘accredited safe havens’ for commissioning data shortly.

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