Standards Board splits in two
The Information Standards Board for Health and Social Care is being replaced by two new organisations.
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The Information Standards Board for Health and Social Care is being replaced by two new organisations.
A new software-based prototype to help doctors identify the extent of heart disease in patients without recourse to invasive procedures is to be tested on 100 patients during a three-year trial.
The NHS is once more being urged to implement electronic patient records as the foundation for paperless working – and it’s time for EHI readers to shape the way forward.
The Caldicott2 review of information governance in the NHS recommends a new duty to share information when it is in the interest of the patient.
CSC is funding the incentive payments to trusts that take Lorenzo under its interim agreement with the Department of Health.
The programme to extract and link large amounts of primary and secondary data has been approved by an Independent Advisory Group.
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has signed a ten-year contract with Swedish company Cambio to deploy its electronic patient record system.
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