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Low use of Lorenzo in Bury

NHS Bury has said that as many as 30% of patient contacts are not being recorded in Lorenzo, even though the system has been in place for 15 months.

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ISoft sees NPfIT payments halve

ISoft has seen its payments under the National Programme for IT in the NHS drop more than 50% in a year and posted a loss of almost £53m for the first half of FY2011.

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BMA fears Health Bill will erode privacy

The British Medical Association has told the government it believes the Health and Social Care Bill will threaten patient confidentiality because of clauses that it claims will enable widespread information sharing.

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INPS heads for 2,500 practices

Healthcare IT system supplier INPS has announced that it expects to extend its user base to more than 2,500 live GP practices by the second half of the year.

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