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Nuffield Trust works on PARR30

Researchers at the Nuffield Trust are working on a new predictive risk tool for the NHS, focusing on patients at risk of readmission to hospital within 30 days.

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CCGs ‘likely to use CSSs in practice’

The NHS Confederation’s deputy chief executive has predicted that while clinical commissioning groups will be able to go “anywhere” to buy commissioning support services in theory, in practice “they won’t.”

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Former iSoft UK boss departs CSC

Adrian Stevens, the former UK managing director of iSoft, is to leave the business. CSC integrated iSoft into its healthcare group in April this year, 12 months after buying the healthcare software business.

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Michael J. Fox Trial Finder launched

The Michael J. Fox Foundation has launched a Parkinson’s Disease clinical trial matcher, which anonymously connects volunteers to trials in need of participants in the UK and Ireland.

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