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Coming up, in 2015

A clear direction for NHS IT was set in 2014; but could be disrupted by the general election due on 7 May, according to experts asked for their predictions for healthcare IT in 2015.

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What you said in 2014

The stories that had EHI readers commenting in 2014 dealt with some real blasts from the past; the NHS Number, Windows XP, and the aftermath of the National Programme for IT.

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What you read in 2014

For the second year running, news about McKesson headed the list of ‘most read’ stories on the EHI website in 2014; but an Epic saga was not far behind.

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HSCIC issues info code of practice

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has released a code of practice on confidential information, outlining how NHS organisations should securely collect, analyse and publish health and social care data.

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