advisory series


Advisory Series: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been promoted as a tool which could transform the way clinicians work in the NHS.
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Advisory Series: Mobile and Modern Working

Smartphones are an essential part of the lives of most people worldwide yet for NHS staff, mobile working is not
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Advisory Series: Population Health Management

Population health management is seen as a tool which could help the cash-strapped NHS. Jennifer Trueland reports that while uptake
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Advisory Series: Interoperability

Data sharing between primary and secondary care has long been a digital challenge for the NHS. But with Matt Hancock
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Advisory Series: Predictive Analytics

When looking at the promise of predictive analytics in healthcare – namely, the ability to identify a downturn in someone's
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Advisory Series: Mobile and Modern Working

With increasing emphasis being placed on community healthcare, efficient ways of working are imperative in order to meet the increasing
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Advisory Series: Population Health Management

Population health management is often touted as an important concept for the NHS, and key to ensuring its sustainability. But,
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Advisory Series: Partnership Working

Digital's ability to support greater partnership working in healthcare has been frequently touted. But, as Maja Dragovic reports, it's also
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Advisory Series: Patient Safety

Many believe that technology has a crucial role to play in reducing avoidable harm and bolstering safety in the NHS.
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Advisory Series: Transformation

As reports emerge about cancelled operations, "black alerts" and soaring hospital admissions, it is clear that NHS is struggling to
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