Audit Commission


Clinical coding to be scrutinised in national audit

The Audit Commission is to undertake a national programme of clinical coding audit in the NHS in England that will
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No mistake

Misspelt electronic records can have serious effects. Daloni Carlisle looks at the results of a three-year initiative to test the
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Anti-fraud software extended to all NHS acute trusts

A pilot scheme that detected nearly £1m of duplicate and fraudulent payments by the public sector has been extended to
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‘Upcoding’ a hazard as PbR pressure grows

Clinical coders are coming under pressure to ‘upcode’ to maximise income under Payment by Results, a conference heard last week.
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St Mary’s goes live with JAC pharmacy management

St Mary’s NHS Trust has become the second trust in London to go live with a new pharmacy management system
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Choose and Book ‘will be a year late’

The flagship Choose and Book electronic booking application will be at least a year late by the time it is
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Investment in clinical coding now critical

NHS trusts must urgently invest in the financial and performance management and supporting information systems, the Audit Commission says in
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Code red

Daloni Carlisle reports on how the often neglected discipline of clinical coding is becoming vital to the financial health of
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Trust with CEO linked to IT supplier rapped

The Audit Commission has criticised "lack of attention to good governance" in a hospital trust that procured IT services from
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Warning to trusts on NPfIT costs

  The Audit Commission and National Audit Office have warned that the National Programme for IT will be a new
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