
BMA calls for more training simulators

The British Medical Association has called for more investment in simulators and skills labs to maintain training opportunities for junior
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NI GPs report survey concerns

Grassroots GPs in Northern Ireland have reported widespread concern from patients about their data being passed to research company Ipsos
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QoF to become GQ

The Quality and Outcomes Framework is to be renamed, EHI Primary Care has learned. The National Institute for Health and
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Hospitals breaking DPA every day

The BMA says hospitals are breaking the Data Protection Act on a daily basis by sending referral correspondence to the
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Choose and stuck

Choose and Book usage is stuck at around 50%. Are there fundamental problems with the electronic booking system?
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Government turns up the heat on patient power

The government has set out its vision for the future shape of public services, which includes giving patients greater choice
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Coroners Bill protest escalates

Eight healthcare organisations have called for medical records to be excluded from the data-sharing provisions of the Coroners and Justice
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BMA says 084 must run its course

GP practices using 084 telephone numbers must be allowed to serve out the terms of their contracts with telephone suppliers
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Best Practice online

The BMJ is launching an online point-of-care decision support tool that aims to provide immediate access to expert opinion, guidelines
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Wales to stamp out medical scrawl

Doctors and nurses in Wales are going to have to use stamps as well as their signature in a bid
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