CCIO Network


CCIO profile: Dr Paul Altmann

The chief clinical information officer of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust was on the frontline of its implementation of Cerner
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Professional development vital for CCIOs

The development of chief clinical information officers has got off to a flying start, but future clinical information leaders will
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CCIOs need CIOs as “partners”

The secret to the success of a hospital CCIO is a strong partnership with a good CIO or IT director.
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Joe’s view: of rating EPR suppliers

A test drive, a check against standard criteria, and lots of user reviews. Joe McDonald knows what a good test
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Info strategy calls for CCIOs on boards

The new NHS information strategy says that every health care organisation needs to appoint a ‘board-level’ CCIO, or equivalent senior
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Dear healthcare IT community…

Hospital doctor Dr Wai Keong Wong publishes an open letter to everyone who buys, suppliers or uses health IT, and
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The role of the CCIO in the CCG

Dr John Lockley, GP, broadcaster, member of the CCIO Leaders Network Advisory Panel and chair of the iSoft User Group,
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Joe’s view: of a four year journey

Joe McDonald reflects on four years as a national clinical director for the National Programme for IT in the NHS,
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CCIO profile: Kim Ashall

The de-facto chief clinical information officer at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust speaks to reporter Rebecca Todd.
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Network event: Interpreters wanted

The first of a series of events to support the EHI CCIO Leaders Network was delivered with the NHS Clinical
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