
New IT local delivery plans due by September

Implementation of new NHS IT systems is to become a non-negotiable part of the local delivery plans (LDPs) of every
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PCT mergers look set to disrupt IT plans

IT departments of NHS organisations are beginning to feel the impact of plans to shake-up the structure of the health
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New QMAS software will focus on excluded patients

Changes to the payments software for the Quality and Outcomes Framework mean practices and primary care trusts will be able
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The ‘magic glue’

EHI speaks to Beverly Malone, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, about the importance of raising awareness of
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GP2GP record transfers struggling on attachments

GP2GP record transfer is under threat because the NHS spine may be unable to cope with the size and number
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Winning over clinicians key to success says Economist

Winning over busy, sceptical clinicians to the benefits of NHS IT modernisation has been highlighted as a key challenge by
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Bringing CfH into the mainstream

Richard Jeavons, director of IT service implementation at the DH, tells E-Health Insider about his role in pushing IT reform
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Emerging technologies in CfH sights

  Can RFID technology help prevent drug errors? Can patients’ bedside phone and entertainment terminals be used to give them
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Conference call

Were GPs right to vote against electronically sharing patient information at this month's BMA local medical committees' conference?
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GPs vote against NHS Connecting for Health

Despite improved relationships with the leadership of the BMA, last week’s Local Medical Committees’ (LMC) conference revealed just how far
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