

Children’s services system wins national IT award

The West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP) has won the Local Government IT Excellence Award for its ‘C-Me’
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DH consults on child Information Sharing Index

The government has launched a consultation on regulations for its proposed electronic database of children aged 0 to 18. The
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Child index could make youngsters anxious

The Children’s Commissioner says the government’s plans to create a national database of every child in England could create anxiety
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TPP reaches 200 deployments under Accenture

A significant milestone has been reached in the deployment of National Programme for IT systems to GP practices in the
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Leicestershire PCTs saving approx £2m from clinical IT

Health software supplier Ethitec has calculated that the six primary care trusts in Leicestershire are making efficiency savings worth the
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Troubled child health system to be replaced

NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) looks set to replace an interim child health information system deployed in London last year and
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More problems with London child health software

The Health Protection Agency has strongly criticised the interim child health systems used by ten primary care trusts in London
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Ethitec extends community EPR for Leicester PCTs

Six primary care trusts in Leicestershire have begun work on implementing a community electronic patient record system for children’s systems
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Kent and Medway trusts select McKesson child health

A consortium of acute and primary care trusts across Kent and Medway strategic health authority have selected McKesson’s CarePlus child
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Meet the suppliers: in4tek

E-Health Insider Primary Care talks to CEO Tom Nawojczyk about the progress and motivation of health and social care software
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