

Choose and Book referrals top 20,000

GP referrals made under Choose and Book have topped the 20,000 mark on a curve that is “rising but delayed”,
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Preventing errors in phone consultations

A reminder to doctors to beware of the pitfalls of using the telephone to communicate with patients has come from
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Loophole could force release of deceased’s records

A loophole in the Data Protection Act means GPs could be forced to disclose the records of deceased patients, GP
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Health professionals urged to share child information

Health professionals should lower the threshold at which they seek information from other agencies over concerns about children and young
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Revised NCRS proposals allow for multiple summaries

The concept of a single summary record on the spine is to be replaced by a system that will allow
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NCRS will make corrections easier, says minister

Corrections to electronic health records will be easier when the NHS Care Records Service (NCRS) is available and problems caused by
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Nurses support IT reform – but lack information

Nurses remain supportive of NHS IT developments and rising numbers feel better informed about them – but the majority still
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Secondary uses pose confidentiality challenge

Meeting the NHS’s need for more information while supporting individuals’ rights to confidentiality is a key challenge for the Secondary
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National record content outlined by CfH

Information on mental health, sexual health and infections should be excluded from the initial summary record on the spine, Connecting
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Calls for clarity in spirited BMA confidentiality debate

Doctors queued up to speak on the confidentiality issues raised by centralised electronic records in a lively open debate at the
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